"Goatgrass: the Tale of Ree-Yees" is a short story that appeared in the Tales from Jabba's Palace anthology, published in January 1996 by Bantam Spectra. It was written by Deborah Wheeler. The story provides the backstory of the Gran, Ree-Yees who was present in Jabba's Palace in 4 ABY. The title is a reference to Goatgrass, a preferred food among Gran.
Plot summary[]
Ree-Yees plans to kill Jabba the Hutt by destroying Jabba's sail barge. Ree-Yees has worked with the Galactic Empire to plan the attack. The Empire has provided Ree-Yees with the bomb and detonation link. However, his only was of communicating with the Empire has been through Ree-Yees new accomplice. This supposed ally ends up being more than Ree-Yees bargained for
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