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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Han Solo's lucky dice were made of gold.

"Interesting. It appears to be gold."
"You're right."
"Is that metal valuable on your worlds?"
"It is on some of them, but mostly it's used in manufacturing."
Senior Captain Thrawn and General Anakin Skywalker[1]

Gold was a shiny, warm yellow-colored metal that was valued by sentient beings[2] on some worlds.[1] It could be turned into forms of currency, like the peggat[2] and the wupiupi,[3] or fashioned into jewellery.[4] On Tatooine, water was such a scarce commodity that it was considered to be more valuable than gold.[5]

While valuable on some planets, gold, by the time of the Clone Wars, was mostly used in manufacturing. The Techno Union was known to use gold in droid manufacturing during the Clone Wars. The sashin-leaf mead[6] and the wax secreted by Vashkan apidactyls had a color comparable to that of gold,[7] as did the chromium finish of C-3PO's plating.[8] Tibanna was considered to be a gaseous gold.[9]

Behind the scenes[]

The real chemical element, gold, is symbolized in the periodic table of elements by the letters "Au." This inspired the naming of a similar element in the Star Wars universe: Aurodium.[10]

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Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

External links[]
