

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


«King Gorneesh is out cold!»
«Our greatest warrior defeated with a single blow!»
―Another Dulok and the religious leader[1]

Gorneesh was king of the Duloks known as the Children of Vulgarr on the moon of Endor. During the reign of the New Republic, Gorneesh's Duloks worked with the Ewok siblings Gruekk and Graak to try and take control of Bright Tree Village by kidnapping Chief Chirpa.

After months of the Children holding Chirpa captive, Gorneesh's camp was discovered by the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick and his New Republic ally Jaxxon T. Tumperakki. Warrick attacked the king but was knocked to the ground, after which Tumperakki knocked Gorneesh out with a kick to the face. Warrick and Tumperakki then rescued Chirpa, with the other Duloks beginning to idolize Tumperakki.


«What's this? A bug-ridden wokling in our camp? We are attacked my Duloks! Just a shame that this snivelling blum-maggot is the best they can manage!»
―Gorneesh strikes Wicket Wystri Warrick[1]

Gorneesh was a Dulok male who was king of the Children of Vulgarr on the forest moon Endor. During the reign of the New Republic[1] at some point between 4 ABY and 28 ABY,[2] Gorneesh and the Children began working with the Ewok siblings Gruekk and Graak in order to seize the Ewok chiefdom of Bright Tree Village from Chief Chirpa. They captured the chief during a raid in which Gruekk was supposedly killed, although the traitorous Ewok in fact returned with the Duloks to their camp to guard the captive Chirpa.[1]

In Bright Tree Village, Graak claimed that Chirpa had abandoned the village and fled and demanded that he be made chief rather than Chirpa's daughter, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka. This started an Ewok Civil War between the supporters of the two candidates, with Kintaka eventually calling for aid from the New Republic. The Republic sent a diplomatic party that included the pilot Jaxxon T. Tumperakki, who discovered down the Dulok camp with the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick while Gorneesh and the other Duloks were laughing and singing while dancing around an effigy of the Night Spirit. Outraged, Warrick attacked Gorneesh, but the king saw him coming and knocked the Ewok to the floor with a club. Declaring that Warrick would make a good sacrifice to the Night Spirit, Gorneesh prepared to strike the defeated Ewok, but was knocked out cold by a kick to the face from Tumperakki.[1]

The other Duloks present, including their religious leader were shocked that the king had been bested while Warrick and Tumperakki left the unconcious Gorneesh to go and find Chirpa. The pair rescued the chief and captured Gruekk, returning them to Bright Tree Village and revealing Gruekk and Graak's treachery. Meanwhile in the Dulok camp, the Children of Vulgarr replaced their effigy of the Night Spirit with one of Tumperakki and began to dance and praise it as the new spirit of the swamp, much to the displeasure of Gorneesh.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"That's quite enough of that! You're gonna give us green-skins a bad name."
―Tumperakki kicks Gorneesh in the face[1]

Gorneesh was considered the greatest warrior of the Children of Vulgarr and was unimpressed by Warrick, calling him a blum-maggot, but still consdering the Ewok worthy of sacrifice to the Night Spirit. The king had green fur, green skin, and a red eye.[1]


«Still, he'll make a fine offering to the Night Spirit! It's sacrifice time, boys!»
―Gorneesh prepares to strike Warrick with a club[1]

Gorneesh wore a brown loin cloth, a bone headpiece, and armor on each shoulder, with a smooth, golden pauldron on the right shoulder and a larger, bumpy brown pauldron on the left. The king's outfit also included gray bands wrapped around the left wrist and left upper arm, a bone necklace including an animal skull, and a black eyepatch over the Dulok's left eye. In combat, Gorneesh used a large wooden club.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

In the current Star Wars canon, Gorneesh appeared in Hyperspace Stories Annual—Jaxxon 2023, a comic book written by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Nick Brokenshire,[1] and first released on April 7, 2023.[3] The Gorneesh originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where he first appeared[4] on September 14, 1985[5] in "The Haunted Village" the second episode of the Ewoks television series,[4] in which Gorneesh would appear as a major recurring antagonist.[6]


Notes and references[]
