

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


The Gree Enclave was a region of space located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories that contained Te Hasa. The pirate queen Maz Kanata labeled the location of the Gree Enclave on a map she included in the book that became known as the Smuggler's Guide.[1] The region was home to the alien tentacled species known as Gree.[2]

Some time after leaving the Jedi Order[3] in 42 BBY,[4] Dooku, the Count of Serenno, purchased a sail for his solar sailer from an antiques dealer near the Gree Enclave.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The Gree Enclave was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in the 32nd issue of the De Agostini magazine Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon, which was published in 2015.[3] The Gree Enclave was originally introduced in the Star Wars Legends continuity in "The Gree Enclave," an article written by Timothy S. O'Brien and published in the 1995 West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal 8.[5]


Notes and references[]

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