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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the callsign of the Commander of Green Squadron. You may be looking for the clone trooper Green Leader, who led Green Company during the Clone Wars.

"Green Leader standing by."
―Arvel Crynyd[2]

Green Leader or Green One was the callsign attributed to the lead pilot of Green Squadron.



Arvel Crynyd, Green Leader at the Battle of Endor

During the Massacre near Teralov, an individual who flew as Green Leader was killed.[1] A different man flew as Green Leader at the Battle of Atollon,[4] and another pilot served as Green Leader at the Battle of Scarif.[5]

In 4 ABY during the Galactic Civil War between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire, the human male Arvel Crynyd served as Green Leader during the climactic Battle of Endor until he was killed in a suicide run to destroy the Super Star Destroyer Executor.[2]

Following the battle, Shara Bey was given the title Green One and command over the squadron.[6] Later, L'ulo L'ampar was given the title and command.[7]

Another man served as the leader of the Resistance's Green Squadron.[3]

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Behind the scenes[]

In "The Antilles Extraction," Green Leader was voiced by Steve Blum.[1]



Notes and references[]

Green Squadron
Green Leader Green Two Green Three
Green Four Green Five Green Six
Green Seven Green Eight Green Nine
Green Ten Green Eleven Green Twelve
Green Thirteen Green Fourteen Green Fifteen
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