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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"I am saving you the trouble of embarrassing yourself with all the meesa meesa bantha poodoo. Just don't."
―Aro N'cookaala, to Han Solo[2]

Gunganese,[1] also known as Gungan[3] or Old Gungan,[4] was the native language of the Gungans, an amphibious species from Naboo. In practice, the Gungans often used a pidgin tongue that combined Galactic Basic Standard with Gunganese words and speech patterns.[1] Although stereotyped as exclusively using the pidgin, some Gungans, like Aro N'cookaala, spoke perfect Basic.[2]


"There be some bombad clankens coming this way."
"Yeah— What? Bombad clankens?"
Jar Jar Binks and Clone Commander Stone[5]

Behind the scenes[]

In Star Wars Legends sources, the term "Gunganese" was applied to the Gungan-accented pidgin Basic rather than the native Gungan language, which in turn was referred to as "Old Gungan."[8]



Notes and references[]

In other languages