- "Surely you must know Harloff Minor! Why, it's very near Coruscant. A center of commerce and culture—"
"I know Harloff Minor, it just doesn't seem like the kind of place where the head of a cartel would hang out." - ―C-3PO and Joph Seastriker
Harloff Minor was a planet in the Core Worlds, near Coruscant. The heavily-traveled world, with its large equatorial cities, was considered a center of commerce and culture in the galaxy.
Located in the galactic core, Harloff Minor was very near the Republic capital of Coruscant, itself in the Corusca sector.[1][3] It was a heavily-traveled world, and its atmosphere had high levels of air traffic.[1][2] The world possessed a variety of climates and its cities were host to excellent restaurants of galactic renown.[1]
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Harloff Minor, along with Iloh, Lonera, and Arreyel, was viewed as candidate world to host an Imperial Academy for aeronautical engineering and design. This topic was debated before the Imperial Senate's Apprentice Legislature in 3 BBY, where Legislator Harp Allor of Chandrila advocated for the planet.[2]
In 28 ABY,[4] Rinnrivin Di, the head of a Nikto crime cartel, was present on the world during the Amaxine warrior crisis. New Republic Senator Leia Organa, who had been investigating Di's relation to the Amaxines, tracked him to Harloff Minor and the two met in a Nikto restaurant.[1]
Behind the scenes[]
Harloff Minor was created for the 2016 novel Bloodline written by Claudia Gray. The planet was named after Kristian Harloff, a movie reviewer and Star Wars fan.[5]
- Leia, Princess of Alderaan (and audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- Leia Organa: Ordeal of the Princess (Appears in hologram) (First pictured)
- Bloodline (and audiobook) (First appearance)
- Star Wars: Timelines
- Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire (Indirect mention only)