


Warning: This infobox is missing the following parameters: otherlife

"Surely you must know Harloff Minor! Why, it's very near Coruscant. A center of commerce and culture—"
"I know Harloff Minor, it just doesn't seem like the kind of place where the head of a cartel would hang out."
C-3PO and Joph Seastriker[src]

Harloff Minor was a planet located very near Coruscant, in the Core Worlds. The heavily-traveled world was considered a center of commerce and culture, with large equatorial cities. It possessed a variety of climates and excellent restaurants. Around six years before the Battle of Starkiller Base, New Republic Senator Leia Organa and Rinnrivin Di, the head of a Nikto crime cartel, had a meeting in a restaurant on Harloff Minor.[1]

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Behind the scenes

Harloff Minor was created for the 2016 novel Bloodline written by Claudia Gray. The planet was named after Kristian Harloff, a movie reviewer and Star Wars fan.[2]


Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 Bloodline
  2. TwitterLogo Kristian Harloff (@KristianHarloff) on Twitter: "Holy crap!! Reading #bloodline and @claudiagray actually did it. I'm canon!" (backup link (KristianHarloff/status/725213851554222080) not verified!)
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