

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"Most Haruun Kal kids didn't get plucked and sent to mystical academies. If they grew up at all, they grew up hard. And leaving was a matter of will and sacrifice."
―Azita Cruuz[6]

Haruun Kal was a planet in the Mid Rim Territories, and the homeworld of Jedi Master Mace Windu.


"I took in the sunrises off the southern gas marshes and fished in the shores of Lake Haruuni, which is so high in the mountains the fish practically float out of the water."
―Azita Cruuz[3]

Azita Cruuz at Lake Haruuni

A planet,[7] Haruun Kal was located in the galaxy's Mid Rim, in grid square M-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid.[1] Its capital city was Pelek Baw. The planet had southern gas marshes, and Lake Haruuni was high enough in the mountains that its fish practically floated out of the water.[3]


"Listen, I'm not sure who I'm going to sell the formula to. The Jedi, the Trade Federation, the Hutts, the Pyke Syndicate. But I'm warming to the idea of it being someone from our homeworld Haruun Kal."
―Azita Cruuz, to Mace Windu[6]

Pelek Baw

Legends stated that Haruun Kal was originally settled by marooned Jedi, a single crashed ship bringing new life that spread across the planet.[2]

Every Haruun toddler was given an inoculation that left a distinctive scar, appearing as a raised, circular bump on the upper chest, which was utilized by natives as a method of recognizing one another offworld. Children typically had a hard upbringing, and the planet had a notable death rate among its youth. Leaving the planet was a matter of will and sacrifice. Mace Windu was a child taken from[6] his homeworld[5] to become a Jedi Master and champion of the Jedi Order.[8] Scores of children and parents lived in Pelek Baw, where parents either doted on their offspring or ignored them. Azita Cruuz was orphaned when her parents died during the crossing, and upon arriving she was treated cruelly by other children.[3]

During the Clone Wars, the planet was the site of a battle between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, where Jedi General Depa Billaba led the Republic forces against the forces under Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies General Grievous, and Billaba personally fought Grievous,[9] resulting in her defeat with the loss of ninety percents of her troops.[10]

As a result of a conflict left over from the Clone Wars, the Imperial Military was deployed to counter an insurrection on Haruun Kal. The battle ended with an orbital bombardment under the Base Gamma One protocol, ending the insurrection with an Imperial victory. The bombardment was hot enough to boil the seas and send Imperials still on the ground into convulsions.[4] Although the forests were reduced to ash, new Lammas tree saplings were beginning to sprout[11] by 34 ABY.[12]

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Behind the scenes[]

"This particular Jedi—Master Depa Billaba—is hardly a threat. Our intelligence identifies her as a failed commander, a liability to the Republic. In fact, according to this, you yourself faced her on Haruun Kal…where you decimated her troops and very nearly ended her life."
General Kleeve, to General Grievous[9]

Haruun Kal was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in a featurette[13] included in Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season One, a box set available on Blu-ray or DVD that included the entire first season of the canon animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars[14] that was released on November 3, 2009.[15] It was originally created for "Children of the Force," a Star Wars Legends story included in Star Wars Tales 13.[16] In Mace Windu 4, the Shroud incorrectly refers to Haruun Kal as an Outer Rim world.[17]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Mace Windu: The Glass Abyss
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Mace Windu 3
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 "The Final Order" — From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back
  5. 5.0 5.1 Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Mace Windu 2
  7. AltayaCite "Mace Windu and Other Users of the Force" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  8. StarWars-DatabankII Mace Windu in the Databank (backup link)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Kanan 9
  10. Kanan 7
  11. Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook
  12. Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook establishes that the publishing of the in-universe The Ultimate Cookbook and the culinary tour that preceded it occurred following the publishing of The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook and prior to the destruction of Kijimi. It also establishes that The Ultimate Cookbook was published following the Festival of the Ancestors that occurred during that time period. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook further establishes that The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook was published concurrently with the First Order's search for the Resistance base on Batuu, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 34 ABY. In addition, Timelines dates the Festival of the Ancestors and the destruction of Kijimi to 35 ABY, meaning the tour must have taken place between 34 ABY and 35 ABY and The Ultimate Cookbook must have been published in 35 ABY.
  13. Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season One—Featurette: "Liberty on Ryloth"
  14. Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season One
  15. Amazon-Favicon Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 1 on Amazon.com (backup link)
  16. StarWarsTales-Icon "Children of the Force" — Star Wars Tales 13
  17. Mace Windu 4