The Heavy/Light Attack Fighter 500, commonly known as the HLAF-500 starfighter,was a modified version of Corellian Engineering Corporation's earlier LAF-250 patrol fighter, which the Corellian Defense Force demanded to compensate for the combat weakness of the original design.
The HLAF-500 retained the basic LAF-250 fighter platform, but replaced the underpowered drives with SoroSuub 9X2 fusial thrust engines, and supplemented the original armament of twin lasers with extra weapons hardpoints, normally outfitted with a pair of proton torpedo launchers. The upgraded fighter also boasted slightly improved shields and maneuverability.
The resulting fighter boasted very fast acceleration, allied to a decent armament and dogfighting capability.
HLAF-500 were used by the Sacorrian Triad during the Battle of Centerpoint Station.[3]
- Showdown at Centerpoint (First appearance)
- Cracken's Threat Dossier (First identified as HLAF-500 and Heavy/Light Attack Fighter)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (as HLAF-500)
- Suns of Fortune (First identified as Heavy/Light Attack Fighter 500)