"Heavy Metal Jedi" is a 28-page comic featured in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 1, written by Haden Blackman, drawn by the Fillbach Brothers, colored by Sno Cone Studios, Ltd., and lettered by Michael David Thomas. It takes place five months after the First Battle of Geonosis.
Plot summary[]
Saesee Tiin and Mace Windu command Galactic Republic forces at the Battle of Iktotch, while debating their contrasting uses of the Force—Tiin's preference for the "broadsword," Windu's for the "rapier." When a B3 ultra battle droid arrives on the battlefield, however, they find that both are needed to defeat the new enemy.
Characters | Organisms | Droid models | Events | Locations |
Organizations and titles | Sentient species | Vehicles and vessels | Weapons and technology | Miscellanea |
Droid models
Organizations and titles
Sentient species
Vehicles and vessels
Weapons and technology