


"I knew it wasn't one of the tradeships or a courier on business from Hleua. The drive sounded different — it had this weird, deep grumble to it."
―Baragwin sense lattice imprinted by a Republic soldier[2]

Hleua was an astronomical object[2] located in the Hleua system, a part of the Eucer sector of the Mid Rim.[1] During the Tionese War,[2] waged between the Galactic Republic and the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion,[3] the Republic-settled celestial body Okator VIII was regularly visited by courier starships on business errands from Hleua.[2]

Shortly before the war's end[2] around 23,900 BBY,[4] a Tionese military force destroyed several Republic settlements on Okator VIII. A witness of the attack, a local farm boy–turned–Republic soldier, later imprinted an audio-visual account of the attack in a Baragwin sense lattice. In the record, the soldier noted that the drives of the attackers' Tionjack warships emitted a unique sound that made them unmistakable for the ships that usually visited Okator VIII, such as the couriers from Hleua.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Hleua was originally meant to be mentioned in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart; however, the section that would have mentioned the astronomical object was cut before the book's release.[2]

The information regarding Hleua was later released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the StarWars.com Blog by Fry and Erich Schoeneweiss containing various cut content from The Essential Guide to Warfare.[2] The StarWars.com Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Hleua system, and therefore the celestial body itself, in grid square Q-7.[1]


Notes and references[]

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