- "The horranths are everywhere lately. Hulking, razor-mawed monsters with nasty dispositions."
- ―Sedni Maruk
Horranths were reptilian carnivores native to the Deep Core planet Tython. Quadrupeds with short, stubby legs and an array of horns across their back, horranths were typically seen in few numbers on the grassy mountainsides of their homeworld.
Possessing a high birthrate, horranth matriarchs could lay hundreds of eggs but were often constrained by a limited food supply. When food was plentiful, the high horranth birthrate saw a sharp increase in their numbers. Congregating in large family groups, or broods, horranths often depleted their habitat's resources after a population boom.[1]
- Star Wars: The Old Republic Cartel Market
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (First appearance)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan
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