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A III-a1a model hypermatter reactor.

"In fact, we' ve just entered phase three, with work commencing on the hypermatter reactor and the shield generators."
Orson Krennic, to Wilhuff Tarkin[1]

A hypermatter annihilation reactor,[2] also known as a hypermatter reactor, or hypermatter power plant, was a type of starship and battle station fusion reactor that generated power by destroying hypermatter.[3] The cores of such reactors were usually insulated with exfoliating doonium and dolovite. The hypermatter reactor of the Death Star was an elaboration of the ones equipped on Star Destroyers and other Imperial vessels.[1] A solar ionization reactor was a variant of the hypermatter annihilation reactor that used the destroyed hypermatter to create a miniature star inside the reactor chamber.[4]

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