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"Shea, Tanner, Nadea, Ivor… we'll see them all soon."
―Leia Organa mentions Drake in a message to Mon Mothma[1]

Ivor Drake was a human from Kestos Minor who served as senator for the Kwymar sector in the Galactic Republic's Senate during the Clone Wars. She joined the Delegation of 2,000, a group concerned with the power of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine that presented the Petition of 2,000 in the final session of the senate.

After attending the funeral of her friend Padmé Amidala, Drake was arrested by Imperial Intelligence and pressured to name her allies. She refused and was incarcerated in Arrth-Eno Prison Complex, where she perished when the structure was destroyed by Palpatine during a failed rescue attempt made by the Alliance to Restore the Republic in around 0 ABY.


Downfall of the delegation[]

Ivor Drake was a human[3] from Kestos Minor who serverd as senator for her homeworld[1] and the wider Kwymar sector in the Galactic Senate of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the war, she joined the Delegation of 2,000, a group of senators who were concerned with the emergency powers that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine—leader of the Republic—was accumalating throughout the conflict and the fact that there was no formal mechanism for the powers to be removed.[3] The delegation created the Petition of 2,000, which was presented in the senate in what proved to be its final session prior to the transition into the Imperial Senate as part of the reformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire as the Clone Wars drew to a close[1] in 19 BBY.[4]

Shortly after the reformation, Drake's friend[3] and fellow senator Padmé Amidala died and Drake attended her funeral in the city of Theed on the planet Naboo. During the funeral, Drake walked with other senators in a procession behind Amidala's coffin.[5] The day after formation of the Empire, Drake was one of many senators from the Delegation of 2,000 arrested by Imperial Intelligence and labeled as a traitor in the HoloNet News.[1] She was pressured to name her allies, but refused[3] and was incarcerated in the Arrth-Eno Prison Complex on the planet Coruscant.[1]

Incarceration and death[]

Several members of the delegation who were not incarcerated went on to found the Alliance to Restore the Republic to oppose the Empire and its leader, Galactic Emperor Palpatine. In 0 ABY, they achieved successes against the Empire on various fronts including an attack on Cymoon 1, and in response Palpatine declared that all political prisoners in Arrth-Eno, which included Drake, would be executed. Beliveing that she had the chance to save the prisoners after not being able to save her homeworld, Alderaan, rebel Princess Leia Organa worked with General Davits Draven of Alliance Intelligence to put together a mission to extract them.[1]

Organa sent of summary of the plan to the Alliance's leader Mon Mothma, detailing how undercover agent Eneb Ray would be activated for the mission and mentioning that she looked forward to seeing Drake and other prisoners. However, once at the prison[1] in around 0 ABY[2], Ray deviated from the plan in order to try and assassinate Palpatine. The unsuccessful deviation ultimately led to Palpatine detonating a bomb that destroyed Arrth-Eno and all those inside,[4] including Drake.[2] Draven informed Mothma of the mission failure, while the new emotionally devastated Organa.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Ivor Drake had blonde hair and light skin.[3]


Drake wore a mottled brown cloak over a dark brown robe.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Ivor Drake first appeared in the prequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith,[5] which was released on May 19, 2005.[6] In the current Star Wars canon, she was first identified in the 2017 reference book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia.[7] The name originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first used in "Who's Who in the Delegation of 2000," which was written by Daniel Wallace and published in Star Wars Insider 85[8] on November 28, 2005.[9]



Notes and references[]

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