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Jabba the Hutt's dais was a repulsorsled that was used by Jabba Desilijic Tiure, and later by Bib Fortuna and Boba Fett,[3][2] as a formal throne in his Tatooine palace. It was located in the audience chamber, just in front of the trap door to the rancor pit.[1]

The dais was decorated with several statues of Abyssin and rancor heads. Behind the sled was a barbeque, on which jerba meat was broiled on a rotating spit. While under Jabba's ownership, the dais had a control panel that opened the trap door to the rancor pit. Once a victim was dropped into the pit, the dais would move forward to allow Jabba to watch his rancor devour them. It also had a small aquarium that contained paddy frogs for Jabba to eat. Jabba would also chain his favorite slave girls to the dais as a way of keeping them close.[1] At some point after Jabba's death, Bib Fortuna had a large chair placed on the dais.[3]

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