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"A Consular is a specialized kind of Jedi. They focus more on cerebral Force skills. They're our healers, our researchers, our seers."
Zayne Carrick[3]

A Jedi Consular was the title of one of three distinct schools of thought which a member of the Jedi Order could decide to study under following their ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight, the other two being Jedi Guardian and Jedi Sentinel. Led by the Council of Reconciliation, the Consulars sought diplomatic measures in spreading peace and harmony across the Galactic Republic. Refraining from drawing their lightsabers except as a measure of last resort, Consulars spent a great deal of time studying the mysteries of the Force. A Consular's role in the Jedi Order had remained largely consistent throughout its history but was first written down by the Consular Jedi Seer Sabla-Mandibu in the text The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.



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A Twi'lek Consular instructing younglings

What Jedi Guardians achieved through combat, Jedi Consulars achieved with words or nonviolent use of the Force. Concentrating on mental refinement through study and meditation, Consulars sought to perfect the art of diplomacy and mediation, hoping to calm a tense situation or mend hurt feelings through civil discourse, reasoning, and parley, rather than drawing their lightsabers and cutting down an attacker. While Jedi Consulars would attempt to avoid conflict for as long as possible, the Consulars were sensible and carried a lightsaber, often with a green blade to symbolize their commitment to peace.[1] Jedi Consulars were also able to focus their Force usage against their enemies, which made it harder for opponents to resist a Consular's Force powers.

Just as some Jedi Guardians had the Force potency of Consulars, many Consulars were formidable warriors. Nomi Sunrider, Vima Sunrider, Yoda, Shaak Ti, and Kit Fisto were among the best lightsaber duelists of their time.

Working closely with the Republic Diplomatic Corps, the greatest Consulars were afforded a seat on the Council of Reconciliation. While many served as diplomats, the Consulars were certainly not limited to the confines of the Galactic Senate. Teachers, seers, and healers all claimed alignment to the Consular's way of thinking and were all respected members of the Order. While there were many sub-branches to the Consular class, the most skilled and learned Jedi Masters were granted the honorific title of Sage Master.[1]

Specialized paths[]

Serving a vast variety of roles in the Order and within the galaxy at large, the career paths available to the Consular were many.

Jedi Ambassador[]

Serving as liaison between newly discovered worlds and the Republic Senate, Jedi Ambassadors were often requested by the governments of foreign powers to mediate talks of membership with the galactic regime. Unlike the Jedi Diplomats, the Ambassador serves solely as the face of the Republic, and does not make policy or major decisions for either party.[1]

Jedi Diplomat[]

While Ambassadors of the Order merely mediated talks with the Republic and foreign states, Diplomats had the intricate tasks of writing treaties and resolving political disputes. Extensive knowledge of intergalactic politics combined with Force-imbued insight allowed Diplomats to handle delicate negotiations.[1]

Jedi Healer[]


A Bith healer

Healers were drawn to this specialization by their compassion for others and a desire to cure the infirm and stop the spread of disease. Taking a more holistic approach to healing than the average physician, healers used the Force to accelerate the natural healing abilities of living flesh. Led by the Circle of Jedi Healers, the Healers drew upon the Living Force to preserve life and cleanse impurities and wounds. Working closely with the Medical Corps, the Healers often worked on the battlefields of war-torn worlds, aiding in the medical treatment of soldiers.[1]

Lore Keeper[]

Made up of three similar groups, the Jedi archivist, Jedi historian, and Jedi librarian, the Lore Keepers of the Order were governed by the Librarian's Assembly of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Maintaining the Jedi Archives, these three groups specialized in different fields, but all worked closely in maintaining their vast collection. The Chief Librarian was the title of the Jedi Master who presided over Temple Archives.[1]

Jedi Researcher[]

Made up of many specialists serving the Order by updating the Jedi Archives, Researchers filled the roles of Jedi archaeologists, mathematicians, biologists, geologists, astronomers, and hyperspatial physicists.[1]

Jedi Seers[]

Highly attuned to the Unifying Force, the Seers of the Jedi Order were gifted with pre- and postcognition, the Force granting them glimpses of things to come and things which have already transpired. Jedi Prophets were a rarity amongst the Seers, and were able to divine such things as the Prophecy of the Chosen One.[1] Chief Of Healers, Vorkara Che, was a Jedi Seer.

Specializations during the Great Galactic War[]

During the Great Galactic War and the Cold War that followed, Jedi Consulars could choose two "advanced classes." These specializations were:

Jedi Sage[]

Jedi Sages were highly attuned in the Force, manipulating it to the extent they could rip apart foes and distort reality. The Jedi Sages were skilled in the use of Force Shield and Force Wave, and were exceptional healers, diplomats, ambassadors, seers and telekinetic and Force combatants.

Jedi Shadows[]

Jedi Shadows worked silently and alone, wielding double-bladed lightsabers and capable of cloaking or masking their presence with the Force. They were masters of lightsaber combat, unlike their Sage counterparts. Embracing the synergy between lightsaber combat and Force mastery, they were also masters of kinetic and physical combat.


Consulars FDCR

A male Kel Dor and female Human Consular

Two Sage Masters were said to have joined two Warrior Masters in the founding of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant circa 4000 BBY. These Four Masters were honored with bronzium depictions on the main entrance stairs at the terminus of the Processional Way.[4]

Among the earliest noted Jedi Consulars were some of the founders of the Jedi Order, such as Rajivari, Ters Sendon—the first chronicler of the Order—Garon Jard, and Cala Brin. Millennia later Odan-Urr, chief archivist, librarian and chronicler who lived for around a millennium, rose to prominence due to his mastery of battle meditation and famed wisdom. Several decades after his death, Kreia served as a Jedi Consular and Master and was a historian and librarian. Jedi Knight Nomi Sunrider and Chief Librarian Atris were also prominent Jedi Consulars of the era, both gaining seats on the Jedi High Council.

During the Great Galactic War three centuries later, Satele Shan was among the most famed Jedi Consulars, a wise and powerful master of battle meditation like her ancestor Bastila Shan. She eventually rediscovered Tython, birthplace of the Jedi, and following the Republic's defeat at the end of the decades-long Great Galactic War, she was appointed as Grand Master of the Jedi Order for her wisdom, calm, battle meditation, combat prowess and experience.

Other prominent Jedi Consulars included the healer Syo Bakarn and the Kel Dor Jedi Masters and archivists Ostar-Gal and Gnost-Dural.

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A Jedi Consular defends a Twi'lek child.

Following the Great War, under Master Shan's guidance, the Jedi Order recovered and rose to prominence once more, beginning to join the Cold War that followed the Great War sometime around 3643 BBY. During that time period, a notable and powerful Jedi Consular who was believed to have unparalleled wisdom and insight in that entire era emerged: the Barsen'thor. This Jedi saved the Jedi Order from destruction via a dark plague from Lord Vivicar by learning the lost Shielding Technique to heal the affected masters, who grew insane. The Jedi then tracked down Vivicar and defeated him in a duel, freeing him from the corruption of Terrak Morrhage's spirit afterwards. This Jedi then became the third Barsen'thor afterwards, a title that had been in disuse for millennia, because there was no Jedi who had achieved such feats in that time. When the Rift Alliance, an alliance of worlds that were powerful and had resources, land and troops vital to the Republic threatened to split off, the Barsen'thor was appointed as the Jedi Order's diplomat and ambassador. The Barsen'thor successfully convinced the Rift Alliance to join the Republic after helping each of the planets part of the Alliance in some way. The Alliance was attacked by the mysterious Children of the Emperor, a series of dark-sided Force users who had been infused with the Emperor's Sith Sorcery. The Barsen'thor successfully shielded the alliance, and with its help, founded a more powerful army for the Republic. The Barsen'thor met with Hallow Voice, leader of the Esh-kha, who agreed to join and support the Republic with his army. The Barsen'thor also gained support from the Voss after saving their homeworld and the native species there. With an army of Esh-kha led by Hallow Voice and an army of Voss Commandos and Mystics (powerful seers and healers), the Barsen'thor engaged the Children of the Sith Emperor. The Barsen'thor learnt that the Children were shielded by the First Son, the most powerful child of the Emperor, who was, much to the Barsen'thor's dismay, in fact Syo Bakarn. After rooting out the Children of the Sith Emperor and defeating and redeeming the First Son, the Barsen'thor gained the vacant seat on the Jedi Council that was once sat on by Syo Bakarn.

Following the Cold War was a period of silence until the Darth Desolous conflict, although there were no noted Jedi Consulars in this time frame. During the New Sith Wars, Jedi Master Worror Dowmat was a noted and exceptional Jedi Consular, as was chief librarian Barra-Rona-Ban. The Grand Master after the Sith Wars, Fae Coven was also a Jedi Consular. A millennium later, Grand Master Yoda was arguably the most notable and powerful Jedi Consular in galactic history. Other prominent Jedi Consulars during this period were Luminara Unduli, Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti and Barriss Offee.

Behind the scenes[]


Concept art of a Sage (left) and Warrior Master (right)

The use of the term Jedi Consular was originally limited to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. It was later used in The New Essential Chronology and the Knights of the Old Republic comics. However, their roles in these depictions were changed slightly. The Jedi Consular was never displayed to be more proficient in the use of the Force, nor did they use the Force as a direct weapon in any manner not also practiced by other Jedi. The Jedi Consular was instead shown to be a Jedi skilled in methods of diplomacy and instruction.

Jedi Consulars who fell to the dark side still rarely fought in physical combat. Dark Jedi Consulars (or Sith Lords as a prestige class in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords) used the Force to crush their enemies as opposed to using lightsabers.

The Jedi Consular is a playable class in the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG video game. It and the Jedi Knight are the two Force-using classes aligned with the Galactic Republic. The Jedi Consular class focuses on the use of either the double-bladed lightsaber and stealth, or healing and ranged Force powers such as telekinesis. The advanced classes for the Jedi Consular are the Jedi Sage and the Jedi Shadow. The Imperial alternate for the Jedi Consular is the Sith Inquisitor.


Non-canon appearances[]


Non-canon sources[]

Notes and references[]
