

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
For other uses, see Jek.

"When a strange and mysterious Force user named Jek-14 took refuge on an isolated scrapyard planet known as Zoh, he used his connection with the Force to build himself a new life and a number of loyal droid companions."
―R0-GR, in "droidography"[1]

Jek-14, or Jek, was a Force-sensitive human who took refuge on the isolated scrapyard planet of Zoh. Using his connection to the Force, he built himself a new life and loyal droid companions, including BL-OX, the EV-series droid N-3RO, and the MSE-6 series repair droid Fixer.[1]

During the Imperial Era, the Freemaker family came to Zoh seeking help from Jek-14. Jek became friends with the Freemakers, causing N-3RO to lead a mutiny, as the paranoid, ungrateful droid believed that humans could not be trusted. The mutiny was ultimately foiled by the B1-series battle droid R0-GR, a member of the Freemakers, who recounted the uprising—including his knowledge of Jek, who he considered to be strange and mysterious—decades later in his "droidography," a book detailing various droids[1] that was published at some point no earlier than 34 ABY.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Jek-14/LEGO
Jek Maker of Zoh

Jek-14 as he is depicted in "The Maker of Zoh"

Jek-14 was mentioned in the current Star Wars canon in the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Droidography, written by Marc Sumerak.[1] The character had previously made a cameo in "Gambit on Geonosis," an episode of the non-canon TV show LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales[3] that aired November 2, 2015,[4] before more prominently appearing in LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, in the episode "The Maker of Zoh"[5] on August 8, 2016.[6] Jek-14 originated in LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles, another non-canonical LEGO series that instead took place within the Star Wars Legends continuity, and debuted in its first episode, "The Phantom Clone," on May 29, 2013.[7]


Notes and references[]
