


"We're also searching through the old Imperial archives at Kamparas, Boudolayz, and Obroa-skai, but so far we haven't found anything."
Leia Organa Solo, about the Caamas Document[3]

Kamparas was a planet in the Dolomar sector of the Core Worlds covered with rainforests, grasslands, rolling hills, and deep valleys.


The planet Kamparas was a lush world that was protected by the Jedi Order to preserve its natural beauty and prevent it resources from being exploited by commercial development.[2] During the New Sith Wars, Jedi Master Hoth rallied his allies on Kamparas and added their warriors to the group of Jedi from Coruscant, Corellia, and Cularin to form the Army of Light to directly combat Skere Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness.[4]

The Jedi Order established an auxiliary academy on the planet where several notable members, including Jorus C'baoth, Lexia Ginorra[5], and Aris-Del Wari[6] sought special studies under Jedi Masters including the wise mentor, Yaddle[7]. The Jedi training facility was bolstered by a fleet of Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptors upon their introduction prior to the Clone Wars.[8]

The training center lay dormant with the rise of the Galactic Empire, and Imperial archives were later established on Kamparas, similar to those on Obroa-skai and Boudolayz.[3] Records of the old Jedi facility were not in any Imperial databases.[2]

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