The Kashi Mer Dynasty was an isolationist Human civilization from the planet Kashi in the Phelleem sector.
The dynasty reached its height as the culture discovered ways in which to control and manipulate "the Breath," also known as the Force.
The culture was wiped out when the primary star supporting Kashi went supernova in 25,000 BBY, and the entire system was destroyed. Prior to this, the Kashi Mer talisman was stolen from the planet, and the supernova occurred shortly after the thief, Reda Jalooz returned to the planet seeking forgiveness. The Orixon Nebula's black halo is the remnant of the planet.
The monarchy was guarded by the Royale Macheteros.
Behind the scenes[]
Tales of the Jedi Companion, which is narrated in 4000 BBY, describes the Kashi Mer Dynasty in the present tense in spite of the fact that Relic had already established that the Kashi Mer Dynasty was wiped out "shortly after the formation of the Old Republic."
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (Mentioned only)
"Relic" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 (also reprinted in Classic Adventures: Volume Four — The Best of the Journal) (First mentioned)
- Tales of the Jedi Companion
- Classic Adventures: Volume Four — The Best of the Journal
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side
- The Essential Guide to Warfare