



"Come back in one piece."
―Kennet Parn[1]

Kennet Parn was[1] a female[2] Miraluka Jedi who served the Jedi Order aboard the space station Carrick Station, selling combat gear during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. A red-haired and light-skinned Miraluka who lacked eyes like the rest of their species, Parn wore either a leather band or a black eyepiece over her their sockets, and they had a pair of scars running vertically on the right side and horizontally on the middle of their face. Parn wore grey armored robes with black markings, and carried a lightsaber.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Kennet Parn first appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released by BioWare in 2011, as a PvP Ranked Gear Vendor for the Jedi Knight class. Parn's appearance and gear was changed with the release of Game Update 2.0, when the elder game gear system was overhauled.[1] They were later removed in Game Update 5.0 on November 29, 2016, which retired the PvP and PvE gear vendors in favor of the Command system.[3]


Notes and references[]
