

This article is about Cassian Jeron Andor's sister. You may be looking for Kerri Lessev.

"What are you? Seriously. Boyfriend? Husband?"
"I'm looking for my sister."
―A hostess and Cassian Andor[1]

Kerri was a human female who lived on the planet Kenari with her brother Kassa. At a young age, Kerri was separated from her brother, who was taken offworld and later became known as Cassian Andor. Many years later, Andor still searched for his long-lost sister.


Kerri was a human female who lived with her brother Kassa in a village on the planet Kenari.[1] When she was six years old,[3] Kassa joined a party of villagers going to investigate the crash site of a transpo corsair, while Kerri was left behind.[1] Kassa did not return from the mission,[3] as he became separated from the group and was taken offworld by Maarva and Clem Andor, who wanted to rescue him from danger.[4]

Years later, Kassa, now known as Cassian Andor, searched for his sister and eventually traveled to a brothel on Morlana One, having heard there was a girl from Kenari working there. However, after consulting one of the hostesses, he learned that the girl from Kenari had left months before.[1]

After taking part in the heist at Aldhani, Andor was told by Maarva to stop searching for his sister, saying that everyone had been killed on Kenari and reminding him that what had happened to his home and to Kerri was not his fault.[5]

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Behind the scenes[]

"[Kerri] also motivates a lot of future behavior when we really get into it. The idea of leaving people behind and what it costs him to leave things behind. That's gonna become a big issue as we move to the second half, the fear of being someone who leaves someone behind and what that costs him."
―Tony Gilroy[6]

Kerri first appeared in the first episode of the live-action Disney+ series Andor. She was portrayed by Belle Swarc.[1] Interviewed for The Empire Film Podcast episode 555, Tony Gilroy—when asked if the search for Kerri was a seed for the future or a red herring—stated that the answer was complicated. He did state that Kerri set up the fear of losing something or someone, and everything that entails, which he said was a concept explored in Andor Season Two.[6]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Andor logo new Andor — "Kassa"
  2. Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide establishes that Cassian Jeron Andor was twenty-seven years old during the events of Andor, which the book dates to 5 BBY. StarWars-DatabankII Cassian Andor in the Databank (backup link) states that Cassian was nine during the Andor flashbacks, therefore the flashbacks take place around 23 BBY. As StarWars-DatabankII Kerri in the Databank (backup link) states that Kerri was six years old during the Andor flashbacks, she must have been born around 29 BBY
  3. 3.0 3.1 StarWars-DatabankII Kerri in the Databank (backup link)
  4. Andor logo new Andor — "Reckoning"
  5. Andor logo new Andor — "Announcement"
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Empire Film Podcast 555 on podfollow.com (archived from the original on November 28, 2023)