- "Have you ever seen anything to compare to this?"
"Well, there are some canyons on Luuq Two that are every bit as deep. Then there's Kismaano for cliffside dwellings. And, of course, Kashyyyk for trees…" - ―Leia Organa Solo and Han Solo
Kismaano was a world in the Tion Cluster of the Outer Rim Territories.
A rich mining world on the Kismaano Bypass, Kismaano had been part of the Kingdom of Cron and Xim's Empire, and by the era of the Galactic Empire it was a member of the Cronese Mandate. Throughout its history, it had always stood apart from the rest of Cron, which had never trusted the planet's merchants.
A windswept world, Kismaano's oldest settlements were built into the sides of canyons and rifts. These cliffside dwellings had been tourist attractions for millennia, and were noted to be similar to those on Zonama Sekot.
- The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force (First mentioned)
- The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force abridged audiobook (Mentioned only)
Essential Atlas Extra: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 3 - "Xim the Despot" on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
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