

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"You were widely considered to be the best pilot in the fleet. Organa would have been on you like a Hutt on a paddy frog."
―Suralinda Javos, to Poe Dameron[2]

The Klatooine paddy frog,[1] also known as Klatooinian paddy frogs,[3] was a species of frog from Klatooine that made up part of a Hutt's diet. Jabba kept an aquarium of these frogs by his throne at all times,[1] and some in a neon green liquid inside of a green orb.[4] The term "paddy frog" was also used by journalist Suralinda Javos toward the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron.[2] Around 34 ABY, the Klatooinian paddy frog was sold at Ronto Roasters, a restaurant at Black Spire Outpost on Batuu, in a small drink container with a variety of beverages.[5] The frog was used as a metaphor for the gradual establishment of Imperial control by the ISB, referring to the belief that the frog will not notice that it is being boiled to death if the temperature is raised very slowly.[3]


Non-canon appearances[]


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