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This article is non-canon.

This article covers a Star Wars subject that is considered non-canon.

"Kowakian Monkey-Lizard" is the first in a series of comics on the LEGO Star Wars website. The comic was first placed at the LEGO website in late 2008. It was later added to the official Star Wars site on October 19, 2009.

Official description[]

"Obi-Wan Kenobi and his clone forces arrive to attack the Separatist battle droids!"[1]

Plot summary[]

"It's probably not a Kowakian monkey-lizard…"

The comic begins with a group of battle droids. One of them spots something in the sky which turns out to be a Republic gunship with a Jedi. The commander orders a droid gunship underneath them into the air and the two ships engage in combat. During the battle, the droids realize they are outmatched, and the droids send the gunship into the ground to escape the Republic gunship. Later, the droid commander is seen commenting that at least they got away, when the droid behind him spots another Republic gunship with another Jedi.

Behind the scenes[]

The comic was originally posted on the website under the title "Kowakian Monkey-Lizzard". The title was later changed to the correct spelling.

In one scene, the battle droid commander calls another droid a "fool". In the comic's original posting, the commander's word of choice was "idiot". StarWars.com's posting of the comic contains the original word choice.

Although it is the first comic in its series, it was placed as "LEGO Webcomic #2" on StarWars.com.

The comic can also be viewed on the LEGO YouTube channel under the title "LEGO Star Wars: Comics - Season 1, Episode 1".


Notes and references[]

External links[]

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