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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
"You're crooked as a kriffing Hutt!"
"Off the field, 23! Or I'll have you suspended!"
Beck Ollet and a grav-ball referee[1]

Kriff[2] was a vulgar expletive.[1]

Variants of the word included:

  • Kriffed, meaning that something was broken or in a bad situation, e.g. "this place is royally kriffed, and we are getting kriffed right along with it."[3]
  • Kriffer, referring to a contemptible person.[3]
  • Kriffing or kriffin', used to emphazise a statement.[1]
  • Kriff it[4] and kriff it all were used for showing anger.[5]
  • Kriff off was a rude way of dismissing someone.[6]
  • The kriff out of, used for emphasis, e.g. "maul of the kriff out of," meaning to maul someone severely.[7]
  • Kriff this: Expression of disdain and rejection of something.[8]
  • Kriff up referred to mishandling a situation; to act foolishly.[9]

Phrases that used the word included:

  • For kriff's sake, used to express frustration.[10]
  • Holy kriff, used to express shock.[11]
  • Kriffin' hells, an exclamation of great surprise.[12]
  • Thank kriff, an expression of relief.[13]
  • Whatever the kriff, a way of saying "whatever."[14]
  • What the kriffing hells, used to show anger.[15]
  • What/why the kriff, used to express disbelief.[16][4]

Behind the scenes[]

The term "kriffing" first appeared in the Legends novel Vision of the Future, written by Timothy Zahn.[17] Fellow Star Wars author Abel G. Peña believes that Zahn created the word by reversing the "f" and the "k" from the term "fricking," which is a synonym of "fuck."[18]



Notes and references[]
