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The Kumumgah were an ancient species from Outer Rim planet of Tatooine.[1] They developed spaceflight, drawing the attention of the Rakata, who conquered, enslaved, and annexed them to their Infinite Empire[2] in 25,793 BBY.[1]

The Kumumgah eventually rebelled and were punished by the Rakata, who bombed the surface of the once-lush world of Tatooine into little more than fused glass. This glass eventually crumbled and became desert sand.[2] Over time, the Kumumgah would evolve into two species: the Ghorfas, who would become the Tusken Raiders,[3] and the Jawas.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic puts forth the hypothesis that perhaps the Kumumgah, and by extension, the Tusken Raiders[2] and the Jawas,[4] are, in fact, Human, or at least are related to them. During dialogue with the tribe's storyteller in the Sand People's village, if the main character, Revan, asks whether the similarities between those who were taken by the Rakata and the Human colonists are physical or societal, HK-47 will remark, "Cautionary: Master, if you mean to suggest that humanity is ancestrally linked to ancient Tatooine, you will strain his belief system to its pitiful meatbag maximum."[2]


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