LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is a video game released by LucasArts on September 12, 2006, based on the Star Wars-themed toy line by the LEGO Group, and the sequel to the highly successful LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game. The game was released concurrently with the highly-anticipated DVDs of the original, unaltered films of the original trilogy. The game is available on the Xbox, Xbox 360 and works via backwards compatibility on Xbox One and Xbox Series X, PlayStation 2, GameCube, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, and PC. The Mac version, published by Feral Interactive, was released on 4th May 2007.[4]
The Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance versions are in portable style, as opposed to the original's presence on only the Game Boy Advance.
While the original films were fairly serious, besides a few puns in the later movies, LEGO Star Wars II is much more tongue-in-cheek, with large amounts of bizarre physical humor (there is no voice acting, so all jokes involve slapstick comedy). It covers the first three films (episodes IV, V, and VI), unlike LEGO Star Wars, which covers episodes I, II, and III.
The game was developed by Traveller's Tales, which was also responsible for the original. Publishing duties were taken up by LucasArts (replacing the original's Eidos Interactive). It features a total of 114 playable characters, 46 of them unlockable by having a saved game from LEGO Star Wars on the memory card or hard drive (and the others must be bought in the Mos Eisley Cantina, or unlocked during gameplay). The game also includes several new features, including vehicles, character-specific abilities, and customizable characters. The game holds the Guinness record for most playable characters in an action-adventure video game. Much of the game revolves around collecting "studs," small LEGO pieces that are used as an in-game currency. Some of the characters have special actions such as slapping or punching enemies, or interacting with friendly characters.
There are also levels where you must pilot a ship. You can unlock Slave I if you collect all canisters in the game.
The game's central location is the Mos Eisley cantina, a spaceport bar on the planet Tatooine. At the counter, the player may use their Lego studs to purchase characters, vehicles, gameplay hints and extras, or activate cheat codes. In a small area outside the cantina, players may view collected vehicles. The game is broken into levels, which are accessed from the cantina; each film is represented by six levels, representing key locations and scenes in that film. The locations include Hoth, Bespin, Dagobah, Tatooine, the Death Star, and Endor. The game also features bonus levels. During levels, the player defeats enemies, builds objects out of Lego bricks, and drives vehicles. Certain levels are played entirely while piloting vehicles, including a TIE fighter, a Snowspeeder, and the Millennium Falcon. Levels must first be played in Story Mode. This unlocks the next level as well as a Free Play mode for the recently completed level. Gameplay is identical in the two modes. However, Story Mode restricts playable characters to those followed in the film scenes the levels are based on, while Free Play-offers all those unlocked. Levels can be replayed in either mode to collect studs and secret items.
Three types of secret items are available: gold bricks, minikits, and power bricks. Within each level is hidden one power brick. When a power brick is collected, its corresponding extra, such as invincibility or stud multipliers, becomes available for purchase. Each level also contains ten hidden minikits, that is, ten pieces of a Star Wars vehicle. When all ten have been collected, the player is awarded a gold brick. Collecting a certain number of gold bricks unlocks free rewards, such as a spigot that spews out studs. Gold bricks are also awarded when levels are completed, and when a predefined number of studs is accumulated in a level; ninety-nine gold bricks are available. The vehicles represented by the minikits are displayed outside the cantina. As each vehicle is completed (all ten minikits collected), it becomes available for play in a bonus level.
Episode IV: A New Hope[]
Chapter 1: Secret Plans[]
- Playable Characters: Princess Leia, Captain Antilles, C-3PO, R2-D2, Rebel Friend
- Planet: Tatooine
Chapter 2: Through the Jundland Wastes[]
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2
- Planet: Tatooine
Chapter 3: Mos Eisley Spaceport[]
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2, Han Solo, Chewbacca
- Planet: Tatooine
- Boss: Imperial Spy
Chapter 4: Rescue the Princess[]
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper), Ben Kenobi, Han Solo (Stormtrooper), Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2
- Planet: None
Chapter 5: Death Star Escape[]
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine), Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2
- Planet: None
Chapter 6: Rebel Attack[]
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back[]
Chapter 1: Hoth Battle[]
- Vehicles: Snowspeeder
- Planet: Hoth
Chapter 2: Escape from Echo Base[]
- Playable Characters: Han Solo (Hoth), Princess Leia (Hoth), C-3PO, Chewbacca
- Planet: Hoth
Chapter 3: Falcon Flight[]
- Vehicles: Millennium Falcon, X-Wing
- Planet: None
Chapter 4: Dagobah[]
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Pilot), Luke Skywalker (Dagobah), R2-D2, Yoda
- Planet: Dagobah
- Boss: Darth Vader
Chapter 5: Cloud City Trap[]
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Bespin), R2-D2
- Planet: Bespin
- Boss: Darth Vader
Chapter 6: Betrayal Over Bespin[]
- Playable Characters: Lando Calrissian, Princess Leia (Bespin), Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO
- Planet: Bespin
- Boss: Boba Fett
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi[]
Chapter 1: Jabba's Palace[]
- Playable Characters: Princess Leia (Boushh), Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker (Jedi), R2-D2, C-3PO, Han Solo (Skiff)
- Planet: Tatooine
- Boss: Rancor
Chapter 2: The Great Pit of Carkoon[]
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Jedi), Lando (Palace Guard), Han Solo (Skiff), Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, Princess Leia (Slave)
- Planet: Tatooine
- Boss: Boba Fett
Chapter 3: Speeder Showdown[]
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Endor), Princess Leia (Endor)
- Planet: Endor
Chapter 4: The Battle of Endor[]
- Playable Characters: Han Solo (Endor), Princess Leia (Endor), Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, Wicket
- Planet: Endor
Chapter 5: Jedi Destiny[]
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Jedi), Darth Vader
- Planet: Endor
- Boss: The Emperor
Chapter 6: Into the Death Star[]
- Vehicles: Millennium Falcon, X-Wing
- Planet: Endor
Bonus Level[]
LEGO City[]
- Playable Characters: Free Play
Episode IV[]
- In the game Leia and Antilles chase Darth Vader.
- When Stormtroopers invade the Tantive IV, they only knock down (not kill) the rebels.
- In the film, R2-D2 whimpers as he wanders through the canyon. In the game, he shows no sign of fear.
- In the film, R2-D2 is reactivated inside the sandcrawler's droid bay, where he is reunited with C-3PO who is delighted to see him again. In the game, the tube that sucks R2 into the sandcrawler deposits him right next to a seated 3PO, who turns away from him in a pouty huff.
- In the film, the purchase of R2 and C-3PO is conducted by both Luke and Owen Lars, with a brief interlude involving a malfunctioning R5 unit with a bad motivator. In the game, only Luke comes out (Owen and Beru are entirely absent from the game) and picks out R2 and 3PO immediately, out of a line-up of otherwise malfunctioning droids the Jawas futilely try to hide from being noticed because of their defects.
- In the film, R2-D2 runs away from the Lars homestead to find Ben Kenobi, prompting Luke and 3PO to track him down in the morning. In the game, R2 and 3PO are stolen by the Jawas and Luke sets out to recover them alone.
- In the film, Luke encounters the Tusken Raiders after finding R2, before being attacked by Raiders who then start examining his landspeeder before being scared off by Ben. In the game, Luke is attacked by a single Sand Person, then teams up with Ben to track down R2 and 3PO. The Tusken Raiders team up with a squad of Sandtroopers against Luke and Ben.
- Luke and Ben enter the Sandcrawler and rescue the droids.
- In the film, Luke and co. reach Chalmun's without any trouble. In the game, since the sandtrooper was clipped or the Imperials recognized Obi-Wan, they have to fight their way through Imperials and other lowlifes, even building and using an AT-ST to get through an obstacle.
- Before entering the Cantina, the player must disable security cameras that prevent R2 and 3PO from entering.
- In the film, Garindan simply follows Luke and Obi-Wan around Mos Eisley, never initiating contact with them. In the game, he stops them, Chewbacca, and Han on the way to the Falcon, prompting them to shoot at him.
- Han and Luke do not wear their stormtrooper helmets as they travel throughout the Death Star, only using them when they need to bypass security panels.
- In the film, Ben leaves shortly after the group arrive on the Death Star, leaving 3PO and R2 to hide from the guards after the others leave the location room. In the game, Ben leaves after the group arrives at the location room as 3PO and R2 immediately hide while the others discover Leia's location and a photo of her that Han is attracted to, much to Luke's frustration.
- On the way to rescue Leia. there is a door that leads to a spa where beach troopers are hanging out. As long as Luke, Han, and Chewie are wearing their stormtrooper helmets, none of the beach troopers will bother them until they do something that deems them hostile.
- Luke enjoys going down the garbage chute, acting as though he's riding a waterslide. Han does not share his enthusiasm.
- Two Stormtrooper helmets can be seen in the trash compactor. One is to the right of the door and the other is to the left, but is not seen after the LEGO refrigerator containing the Mini Kit is set.
- Garven Dreis and Jon Vander are omitted
- Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles are omitted.
- During the Battle of Yavin, the player must fire torpedoes at generators to bring down laser gates.
- In the game, turbolaser guns surround the exhaust port and must be destroyed by shooting them before Luke can fire into the port itself.
- In the film, Han and Luke calmly receive their reward from a dressed-up Leia. In the game, Han and Luke are filled with more excitement, Leia is in her regular clothes, and Han and Luke laugh at 3PO hugging R2; also, Garindan, an Imperial spy who followed Han and Luke in Mos Eisley is found impersonating a Rebel Pilot and arrested. Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewbacca watch Garindan being taken away, with the Rebel guard escorting him poking him in the rear, causing him to jump in pain momentarily.
Episode V[]
- In the film, Luke cuts off the wampa's right arm. In the game, he amputates her left arm.
- In the movie, Vader's flagship is an Executor-class Star Dreadnought, where as in the game it is merely a regular Imperial class Star Destroyer. In fact the Executor never appears at all throughout the game: The same LEGO mini Star Destroyer seen in the game's version of A New Hope is used in that cutscene, and the full LEGO Star Destroyer (still a regular Star Destroyer) is used later in the game. This is understandable, though, as the LEGO Executor set wasn't available until 2011.
- If an AT-AT pulled down by a tow cable is left for too long, it gets back up.
- In the game, AT-ATs cannot be destroyed by shooting blaster fire at its weak point at its neck. Instead, the player must use the snowspeeder's tow cable to drag an oversized thermal detonator to the AT-AT.
- In the film, an AT-AT's legs were tethered and subsequently tripped before Luke was shot down. As a result, he struggled to escape from his fighter before it was crushed by an AT-AT. In the game, none of the Imperial Walkers had yet been tripped when Luke was shot down. Luke also easily escaped from his fighter.
- In the film, the Millennium Falcon settles in an asteroid before attaching itself to a Star Destroyer and then sneaking away in the trash dumped by the ship. In the game, the Millennium Falcon doesn't necessarily take shelter inside the asteroid but does indeed attach to the Star Destroyer, before taking off into its trash dump.
- When Luke crashes on Dagobah, he is still in his rebel uniform until he meets Yoda.
- In the film, Yoda's identity as a Jedi Master isn't revealed until after he brings Luke to his home. In the game, when Luke indicates that he's looking for a Jedi, Yoda points to himself, only to receive a disbelieving chuckle from Luke. Yoda then proves his power by lifting the rock Luke was sitting on into the air, then dropping it on him.
- Yoda has a plasma-screen TV in his house.
- There are numerous vehicles around Yoda's house: a bike, a tractor, and many more.
- Bats constantly damage Luke, even though none appear in the film.
- In the film, only Luke fights the apparition of Vader. In the game, both Luke and Yoda enter the Dark Side cave and both of them fight Vader.
- Luke Skywalker enters Cloud City to fight Darth Vader before the Millennium Falcon did so.
- In the film Luke is sucked out a window, but in the game it's Darth Vader instead.
- In the game, R2-D2 follows Luke throughout his battle with Vader, instead of being shut outside.
- Luke fights Stormtroopers while battling Vader.
- At the the end of the Darth Vader Boss Fight, Vader takes out a photo showing A picture of Anakin Skywalker And Padmé Amidala from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith to tell Luke he is his father.
- In the film, Han shoots four shots at Vader upon seeing him, before Vader Force-pulls Han's gun away. In the game, Han fires only one shot, then throws his gun down as stormtroopers and Boba Fett surround him, Leia and Chewie with more powerful weapons.
- In the film, Han is pushed onto the carbon freezing chamber platform by a stormtrooper, and is lowered into the chamber. In the game, the platform is already lowered and he jumps in. Before Han is frozen, he wears his Hoth clothes instead, not his skiff clothes. This has been corrected in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
- When holding off the stormtroopers, Lando runs out of blaster ammo and kills one of the stormtroopers with a missile launcher, leaving the others stunned and hesitant to fight back, allowing time for Lando to get aboard and the Falcon to escape.
- Leia cries for Han, while 3PO and R2 watch the fitting of Luke's new prosthetic hand. 3PO pulls off his own hand and shrugs in confusion.
- Lando lowers his chair before taking control of the Millennium Falcon, to the point where only the top of his head is visible over the console, much to Chewbacca's bewilderment. Lando isn't dressed like Han either, he just has his own clothes on. This is changed in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, where he now wears his Rebel General clothes in this scene, though he had not been promoted yet as his promotion to General was mentioned in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi as a result of his part in the Battle of Taanab.
- As Luke comforts Leia, his hand malfunctions and is seen bouncing around the room, which may be a reference to Thing from The Addams Family.
- In the game, the Rebel fleet meets up around a planet.
Episode VI[]
- In the film, when Han is taken out of the carbonite, Leia's disguise is still on. In the game, Leia isn't wearing the mask, she ditches it as Han is thawed out.
- In the film, Luke attempts a sneak attack on Jabba by using the Force to summon a blaster and fire it at Jabba. In the game, he and his friends are apprehended, and after Leia is escorted away from them and over to Jabba, as he attempts to summon a blaster, he summons a coffee mug instead before he, along with his friends, go into the battle with the rancor.
- In the film, Luke is in the rancor arena alone. In the game, Han, Chewie, R2, and 3PO are in the battle too.
- Boba Fett's "death" is exaggerated in the game. His jetpack is activated after a boss fight against him, causing him to fly around the battle scene violently before slamming into the sail barge at full speed, then rolling into the Sarlacc pit. In the DS version of The Complete Saga, he rebounds off the sail barge and finds himself hovering above the Sarlacc pit. The beak then extends upward, swallows him, retracts back into the pit, then spits out his helmet.
- The Emperor's arrival is omitted.
- Yoda's death is omitted.
- The Rebel briefing is omitted.
- Using a grappling hook instead of a rope, Luke carries Leia off of Jabba's sail barge.
- In the film, Han joins Luke and Leia on Endor and steps on a stick as he sneaks up behind a scout-trooper. In the game, Luke and Leia are alone on Endor where Luke trips, alerting the trooper to their presence. They are not separated, leaving Leia to never individually meet the Ewoks.
- Likewise, Leia and Luke also succeeded in commandeering an AT-AT and blowing up an Imperial landing platform, something that did not happen in the movie.
- In the film, a dead animal is posted over a trap that Chewie accidentally sets off. In the game, the trap's trigger is a bone on a string.
- In the film, 3PO relates the Rebellion's fight against the Empire to the Ewoks around a fire. In the game, 3PO is seated when informing the Ewoks of Vader's fight with Obi-Wan through sign-puppets.
- After the Ewoks agree to assist the rebellion, Leia tries to kiss Luke, who declines.
- The Battle of Endor takes place before Luke leaves for the Death Star, but Luke has no involvement in the battle.
- After destroying the shield generator, one of the smaller dishes lands on the squad (except Leia), poking fun at how no one was hit by falling debris in the film.
- When Luke arrives in the Emperor's throne room, Palpatine immediately attacks him.
- In the game, Luke does not fight against his father, Darth Vader. In the game, father and son both fight against the Emperor. This change was presumably made to make the game more co-op friendly.
- The Emperor uses his lightsaber against Luke and Vader in the game.
- In the film, the disabled Super Star Destroyer falls down towards the Death Star. In the game, four regular Star Destroyers fall toward Endor.
- In the game, Anakin's spirit appears on the pyre itself, pretending to warm his hands on it.
- In the game, Anakin's ghost is designed as a combination of Hayden Christensen and Sebastian Shaw.
- In the film, Han and Leia share two mutual kisses before the celebration. In the game, as they lean forward to kiss, Wicket brings the flowers and interrupts them and Han pulls a plant over him so that they may continue undisturbed.
- Leia does not wear her Ewok dress.
Handheld versions[]
Game Boy Advance[]
For the Game Boy Advance, the game is altered for portability reasons, such as lower quality graphics. This version has 36 playable characters, which is fewer than the console versions, although it does feature characters not available in console versions such as the Baby Rancor, R2-Q5 and K-3PO. Also, Vader is unlocked at an earlier time, and the scout trooper and mouse droid are now playable without using the extra toggle mode. The generic Ewok is gone, and Wicket's slingshot is replaced with an Ewok spear.
There are not any power bricks to find, but there are still extras to buy. For example, the Jedi Spirit extra turns characters into Force ghosts, something that can only be done when one of the three ghost characters in the 128-bit version is used.
There are five levels in Episodes IV and V, and six levels in Episode VI. A character in each level is unlocked when all ten minikits are collected. The Dagobah level is not in the Game Boy version. Mos Eisley Spaceport and Through the Jundland Wastes are formed as one level (Tatooine). The console versions' levels "Jedi Destiny" (Emperor Fight) and "Into The Death Star" (Death Star II Battle) are switched. So are "Cloud City Trap" (Cloud City Rescue) and "Betayal Over Bespin" (Cloud City Trap).
Nintendo DS[]
For the Nintendo DS version, like the Game Boy Advance version, the game was altered for portability reasons, such as having lower quality graphics. The DS version has 50 characters, though they do not exactly match the ones from the console games. In addition to cooperative multiplayer, the DS version allows up to four people to battle wirelessly, where they can choose to fight over Han Solo (Carbonite) in Jabba's Palace or battle in a Tatooine-themed arena. Character swapping is performed by touching icons on the touch screen.
Though generally praised for its gameplay, the original release of the DS version was criticized for its bugs and graphic glitches. Many Internet sites accused it of being rushed to shelves with the other versions of the game and the reissued Star Wars DVD films. One website was supposedly contacted by anonymous employees of the developer which claimed that the US, European, and Japanese versions were different from each other regarding the bugs, and that a new fixed version would be shipped to shelves after the first print run was sold out. One of the most notable glitches is in Episode VI, where many have considered the first main boss entirely unbeatable.[5] This has not been verified by either the publisher or developer. However some people have beat the boss (Jabba's Rancor) using Luke Skywalker to use the force, to bring down the gate, crushing the boss. Other glitches include dagobah Luke being able to shoot blaster bolts from his lightsaber if he attacks immediately after rolling.
Salacious Crumb, Wuher, K-3PO, Zuckuss, and the four members of the Bith band are DS version exclusives.
Some levels are renamed. Just like the GBA version the levels "Mos Eisley Spaceport" and "Through the Jundland Wastes" are formed as one level, "Into the Death Star" and "Jedi Destiny" are both also renamed.
Sand Box[]
The Nintendo DS version of Lego Star Wars II also replaces LEGO City with the Sand Box. The Sand Box includes plenty of objects to destroy, but doesn't have defeatable enemies (sans a giant Ewok).
It can be accessed through a door with a question mark over it in the Mos Eisley Cantina, between the Bounty Hunter Arena and the hangar.
In the story mode you play as Princess Leia with slave outfit and Salacious Crumb. The only objective is to build and destroy everything in the level. As a prize for beating the level you unlock Emperor Palpatine for purchase at the cantina bar.
Objects in the Sand Box include two Sand Skiffs, the Sarlacc Pit, one giant Ewok, a lever you can pull to turn big, another one where you can see your custom characters, some Imperial Vehicles that fly around that you can destroy, and one space worm.
Once you have completed all story mode levels with Jedi status in the game, you can go into the door leading to the Sand Box.
PlayStation Portable[]
The PlayStation Portable version of Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy contains exclusive material including the final levels from Episodes I, II and III of the first Lego Star Wars game and a challenge mode for each level in LSW II, where the player goes through each level to find all 10 blue minikits in a time limit. If completed, the player will achieve a character from the original Lego Star Wars game. Unlike other versions, the player can use characters from the original Lego Star Wars game in the Mos Eisley Cantina. Similar to the DS version, it contains a Wireless Lobby.
The cantina's area is made an empty place featuring only the player and one other character, to make sure the game runs lag-free due to the PSP firmware capability at the time. The bounty hunter missions are excluded from the game in place of the prequel episodes' levels. Gold bricks cannot be bought from the cantina, and there are longer loading times.
Cell phone[]
The goal of the cell phone version is to rescue Princess Leia and then reach the Millennium Falcon by using characters' special abilities: Luke can move Lego bricks and create bridges and new paths, R2-D2 can use switches and Leia can shoot enemies. It has 18 levels, all based on Episode IV.
Critical Reaction[]
The game was mostly favorably received with fans and critics, who praised the gameplay, which focused mainly on fun and exploring. Many considered it superior to the original, mainly due to the improved gameplay, the many new features, such as the character creating aspect and free form vehicle sections, and other aspects. However, some gamers considered it childish, too simplistic, and even with the adaptable difficulty, very easy.
On December 13, 2006 the game received an award for "best video game based on a TV show or movie" at the Spike TV Video Game Awards.
On December 22, 2006, declared LEGO Star Wars II as Number 1 in Star Wars: The Best of 2006.
Complete Saga[]
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga was announced on May 25, 2007 and then released on November 6, 2007. It combines the levels from LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Star Wars II. The levels from the first game are updated to include power bricks, vehicles, and other aspects found in LEGO Star Wars II, and most prequel characters will have the ability to build. New or redesigned levels, new playable characters, new bounty hunter missions, and new bonus missions have been added.
Characters | Organisms | Droid models | Events | Locations |
Organizations and titles | Sentient species | Vehicles and vessels | Weapons and technology | Miscellanea |
Droid models
Organizations and titles
Sentient species
Vehicles and vessels
Weapons and technology
- LucasArts Announces LEGO Star Wars II on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Improving a Surprise Hit -- LEGO Star Wars II on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- All the Characters in the Galaxy on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Star Wars LEGO II: The Original Trilogy Trailer on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Episode IV: Your Favorite Moments, LEGO Style! on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Episode V: Your Favorite Moments, LEGO Style! on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Cruisin' the Galaxy in LEGO Star Wars II on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Mix it Up: LEGO Star Wars II Site Launches on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- In Pieces, You Will Be on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Episode VI: Your Favorite Moments, LEGO Style! on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- 15 Easter Eggs to Find in the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special on (backup link)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy on (archived from the original on September 5, 2012)
- ↑ Star Wars LEGO II: The Original Trilogy Trailer on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- ↑ LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy adapts the Original trilogy, which The New Essential Chronology places through 0 BBY-4 ABY.
- ↑ "LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy news post at" LEGO Star Wars II – shipping now! on (archived from the original on September 16, 2013)
- ↑ Lego SW2 DS Shipped Incomplete on (September 18, 2006) (archived from the original on May 4, 2007)
External links[]
- Official site on (archived from the original on June 2, 2007)
- The Empire Strikes Brick in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy on Wikipedia
- LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy on MobyGames
- LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy on the LEGO Star Wars Wiki