


"Lallani? We have no quarrel with you."
"No, but we have a dispute with your guest"
"What guest?"
"Jabba the Hutt. I warned that treacherous worm what would happen if he entered my territory."
"There's no one here by that name."
"Bring him to me, or I'll destroy your pathetic junkyard."
―Lallani and Rekias Nodo[1]

Lallani was a silky-voiced Quarren crime lady who was a rival of Jabba the Hutt. She employed Mandalorian mercenaries.[1]


"That's right. Nodo's doing business with Jabba the Hutt. He's here right now. I thought you'd want to know…"
―Skreech, to Lallani[1]

After crash-landing on a jungle planet affiliated with Rekias Nodo, Han Solo deceived Nodo into believing he was the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Nodo's chef Skreech was aware of this and informed Lallani via comlink.

Lallani then contacted Nodo and came to collect "Jabba." Arriving aboard her ship, she recognized Solo was not Jabba and was displeased upon realizing she had been tricked. Lallani ordered her guards to open fire, destroying a nearby stack of Nodo's Rhydonium barrels and igniting a chain reaction across the shipyard.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"Well? Where is Jabba?"
"He's right here."
"This puny creature? He's not Jabba the Hutt."
―Lallani and Rekias Nodo[1]

Lallani was impatient and did not tolerate deceit. She laughed at Nodo's claim that Solo was Jabba the Hutt, calling the smuggler a "puny creature."[1]


"Enough. I have no time for your deceit. Guards, show them what happens to people who waste my time."
―Lallani cracks her whip to silence Nodo and orders her guards to open fire[1]

Lallani owned a ship and carried an electro-whip. She could be contacted via comlink. Her Mandalorian mercenaries were outfitted with Mandalorian armor and disintegrators.[1]

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Notes and references[]
