


"Lando's Big Score" is a short story in the anthology Galactic Adventures Storybook Collection written by Steve Behling and illustrated by TomatoFarm. It is an adaptation of the comics Lando 12.[1]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Galactic Adventures Storybook Collection
  2. Amazon-Favicon Star Wars Galactic Adventures on Amazon.com (backup link)
  3. Star Wars: Heroes For a New Hope places Star Wars: Lando, which this short story adapts, between Star Wars: Princess Leia and Star Wars: Chewbacca. Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 34 (Highlights of the Saga: Alderaan Survives) places Star Wars: Princess Leia in 0 ABY, and Exclusive: 'Star Wars' Spins Off 'Chewbacca' Into His Own Solo Adventures by Zalben, Alex on MTV (July 10, 2015) (archived from the original)– places Star Wars: Chewbacca directly after Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas places in 0 ABY. Therefore, if Star Wars: Lando takes place between these stories, it must take place in 0 ABY.

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