- "They were in a brothel, which we're not supposed to have, the expensive one, which they shouldn't be able to afford, drinking Revnog, which we're not supposed to allow."
- ―Chief Inspector Hyne, to Syril Karn
An expensive brothel was located in the Leisure Zone on the planet Morlana One. It had a holographic go-go dancer and a bar. Around the bar, there were booths set into the wall. An adjoining room was separated from the main lounge by a beaded curtain.[1]
In 5 BBY, Cassian Andor, Verlo Skiff, and Kravas Drezzer drank there. A woman from Kenari worked there, but several months before Andor visited, she left. At the time of Andor's visit, there was a woman from Tahina who worked there as a hostess.[1]
Sizzle Reel | Andor | Disney+ on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link) (Posted on StarWars.com) (First pictured)
"Kassa" Episode Guide | Andor on StarWars.com (backup link)
Andor Analyzed: 5 Highlights from Episode 1, "Kassa" on StarWars.com (backup link)
The Stories Behind 5 Memorable Andor Props on StarWars.com (backup link)
Tony Gilroy Breaks Down Andor Season 1 on StarWars.com (backup link)