

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"Acklay aren't as abundant as they use to be, but you can still find 'em lurkin' in Vendaxa's waters. The tiny ones are easy enough to catch when they emerge onto the plains to gobble up some unsuspectin' lemnai."
―Strono Tuggs, The Ultimate Cookbook[3]

Lemnai were creatures that lived on the plains of the fertile planet Vendaxa,[2] a world with an incredibly dense[4] and complex ecosystem. They were the main food source and favored prey of the predatory acklay, with the two creatures entering into an evolutionary arms race. The lemnai evolved tough, leathery shells to protect them from the piercing claws of the predator, but as the preys' armor grew tougher, the acklays' claws became sharper and stronger to compensate. The teeth of the acklay were also desigened for ripping the flesh out of leathery lemnai shells.[1]

In 35 ABY,[5] the Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs mentioned lemnai in the recipe for Roasted Acklay Claws in his third cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook. In the book, he stated that small acklay were easy to catch when they emerged from Vendaxa's waters to hunt lemnai on the plains.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

In the current Star Wars canon, lemnai were first mentioned in Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, a 2016 reference book written by Pablo Hidalgo and Simon Beecroft.[2] The creatures originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where they were first mentioned in the 2002 reference book Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary, which was written by David West Reynolds.[6]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 AltayaCite "Geonosis and Other Planets in the Outer Rim" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded
  3. 3.0 3.1 Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook
  4. Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition
  5. Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook establishes that the publishing of the in-universe The Ultimate Cookbook and the culinary tour that preceded it occurred following the publishing of The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook and prior to the destruction of Kijimi. It also establishes that The Ultimate Cookbook was published following the Festival of the Ancestors that occurred during that time period. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook further establishes that The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook was published concurrently with the First Order's search for the Resistance base on Batuu, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 34 ABY. In addition, Timelines dates the Festival of the Ancestors and the destruction of Kijimi to 35 ABY, meaning the tour must have taken place between 34 ABY and 35 ABY and The Ultimate Cookbook must have been published in 35 ABY.
  6. Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary