

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"'Liberators' seize Imperial garrison on Mantooine."
―A statement on the battle on Mantooine[1]

The Liberators,[1] also known as the Mantooine resistance,[2] was an early resistance group against the Galactic Empire active in the Atrivis sector. In 14 AFE, they managed to seize an Imperial garrison on the astronomical object Mantooine. They were, however, defeated by the Imperial Navy shortly afterwards in the same year.[1] Survivors were awarded the Mantooine Medallion by the Rebel Alliance.[2]

Later that year, the Atrivis Resistance Group, another resistance group in the Atrivis sector which was led by Travia Chan, agreed to join an alliance of rebel groups led by Mon Mothma, the senator of the planet Chandrila. Catta Dionize, another member of the Atrivis Resistance, wrote to Mothma on behalf of Chan and proclaimed that there would be no more events like the Liberator's failed conflict on Mantooine. Meanwhile, public statements were made on the Liberators' capture of the Mantooine garrison, as well as it's defeat. The statements were gathered by archivist Hendri Underholt as part of an archive of non-electric documents known as The Rebel Files.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Liberators were first mentioned in Fantasy Flight Games' 2016 sourcebook Lead by Example as the Mantooine resistance.[2] They were then identified in the 2017 reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, written by Daniel Wallace.[1] The resistance group originated in Star Wars Legends as the Mantooine Liberators in The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, a 1990 supplement of West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[3]


Notes and references[]

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