



"Who knows? Perhaps the spirits of our ancestors will smile on you."
―Yendor Brethen, to Leia Organa, the day before the Resistance ships were due to arrive during Longest Night[1]

Longest Night was a Twi'lek holiday celebrated on the planet Ryloth that occurred the day all three moons of Ryloth were at their lowest phase and the populated hemisphere of the planet was covered in darkness. During the holiday, most residents stayed indoors, opting to spend a quiet evening with family. Some believed the ghosts of the dead would roam during Longest Night.[1] In 34 ABY,[2] as the surviving forces of the Resistance gathered at a base in Ryloth's remote southern desert region, General Leia Organa was reassured by her former Rebel Alliance comrade and Ryloth Defense Authority leader Yendor Brethen that Longest Night would be a safe time for the Resistance ships to arrive discreetly, stating that few Rylothians would be outside to notice them and hoping the First Order would also not be alert to their activities.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Longest Night appeared in the 2019 novel Resistance Reborn, written by Rebecca Roanhorse.[1]


Notes and references[]
