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"Lived on Lothal my whole life. Never been here."
―Ezra Bridger visits Tarkintown for the first time[2]

Lothal re-settlement camp 43, commonly known as Tarkintown, was a small settlement built on the planet Lothal during the reign of the Galactic Empire. The town was inhabited by farmers who had been dispossessed by the Empire, and were left living in poverty. The crew of the starship Ghost visited the town and distributed food stolen from the Empire to the inhabitants.


"Locals call it Tarkintown."
"Named for Grand Moff Tarkin, Governor of the Outer Rim.
―Garazeb Orrelios and Sabine Wren tell Ezra Bridger about the town[2]
Tarkintown close

Tarkintown was a slum

Tarkintown consisted of a loose collection of a few dozen buildings constructed on the plains of the planet Lothal. A number of moisture vaporators were dotted throughout the settlement and a central clear area acted as a town square.[2]


"Who wants free grub!"
―Garazeb Orrelios offers the residents of Tarkintown food[2]
Tarkin town charity

The crew of the Ghost gave food to the residents of Tarkintown

Tarkintown was home to impoverished farmers of many species whose homes,[2] such as in Tangletown,[4] had been taken by the Galactic Empire when it needed the land they were built on. Any who attempted to fight back were arrested for treason, and the rest left with nothing. The residents named their settlement after Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, the Imperial in control of the Outer Rim Territories and the man responsible for the dispossession of the farmers.[2]

The crew of the VCX-100 light freighter Ghost took pity on the town's residents and three members of the crew, Sabine Wren, Garazeb Orrelios, and Ezra Bridger brought them three crates of food that they had taken from Imperials in Capital City. The group opened the crates in the center of the settlement and called out to the residents to take the food, which the farmers did gratefully.[2] To punish its inhabitants for receiving aid from the Spectres, Tarkintown was destroyed at the behest of Darth Vader and ISB Agent Kallus during the Siege of Lothal. The inhabitants were forcibly relocated to a detention camp.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Tarkintown first appeared in Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, a television movie released in 2014 as the premiere of the Star Wars Rebels television series. The name "Tarkintown" was inspired by the term "Hooverville." During the Great Depression, shanty towns were created for those who had been affected by the Depression. Those towns took on the name "Hooverville" as a sardonic reference to United States President Herbert Hoover, whose policies were widely believed to have exacerbated the economic troubles of the Depression.[5]



Notes and references[]
