

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the Ewok. You may be looking for the mythological axe.

Lumat was an Ewok of the Bright Tree tribe[1] on the forest moon of Endor. Along with other members of the tribe, they aided the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Battle of Endor against the Galactic Empire[2] in 4 ABY.[3] During this conflict, Lumat wielded a spear with a tip made of sharpened stone.[1]


The Ewok Lumat was a part of the Bright Tree tribe, a tribe of Ewoks that lived in the treetop Bright Tree Village on Endor, a forest moon. In 4 ABY, the Ewok Teebo led a scouting party from the village that returned with a group of captives, members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic who had be caught in one of the net traps set by the village in the surronding forest. As the captives were brought in bound below wooden poles, Lumat rushed into the village's center and moved toward a fire pit above which the prisoner Han Solo had been suspended. Upon the orders of the tribe's shaman, Logray, Ewoks had begun preparing the captives to be cooked for a banquet in honor of C-3PO, a protocol droid ally of the rebels that the Ewoks had mistaken for the deity known as the Golden One.[2]

At the urging of the prisoners and Princess Leia Organa, an ally of the captives who was staying as a guest in the village, C-3PO tried to convince Logray not to cook his friends, but to no avail. The Jedi prisoner Luke Skywalker then used the Force to lift C-3PO into the air, terrifying the gathered Ewoks, who believed that the deity was angered and using magic. Once Logray ordered the prisoners released, Lumat swiftly rushed forward with other Ewoks to free the captives, tending to the bindings of Solo. Lumat then stood beside Teebo as he freed the astromech droid R2-D2, who zapped Teebo upon being released, causing Teebo and Lumat to flee, although Lumat returned to stand beside the droid as the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick examined him.[2]

Ewok celebration Neth

Lumat celebrates the victory on Endor along with the rebel pilot Karie Neth.

Later that night, C-3PO shared tales of the rebels exploits within the hut of Chief Chirpa. Lumat stood with Teebo among the crowd of listeners within the hut. At the end of the stories, Chirpa declared that the rebels were now honoray members of the tribe and that the Ewoks would be aiding them in fighting the Galactic Empire on Endor. The next day, the Ewoks and the rebels attacked and destroyed an Imperial shield generator bunker that then allowed a rebel fleet to destroy the Imperial Death Star 2 superweapon orbiting Endor. The Ewoks and rebels celebrated their victory that night in Bright Tree Village, and during the festivities the Ewok Brethupp drummed on a collection of trophy Imperial helmets next to Lumat. Lumat then moved to dance with a human rebel commando near on of the village's fires.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Lumat first appeared in the 1983 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.[2] The Ewok village scenes were filmed between January 18 and February 2, 1982 on Stage 3 at Elstree Studios.[4]



Notes and references[]

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