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For other uses, see Mandalore.

"Mandalore is the name we give to our leader. Becoming Mandalore is the greatest honor any Mandalorian could aspire to."
―Canderous Ordo, "Mandalore the Preserver"[3]

Mandalore was the Basic transliteration of the title used by the supreme leader of the Mandalorian people and culture. In its truest, native rendering as Mand'alor, the title meant "sole ruler" in the Mandalorian language of Mando'a. Originating with Mandalore the First, the mythic leader of the Taung warriors who went on to become the first Mandalorians, Mand'alor became the title passed down for use by the subsequent leaders of the people for generations after. Functioning as a combination of both king and warrior general, the Mand'alor was the closest to a head of state the widespread Mandalorian clans possessed, and in addition to holding the secondary title of Al'Ori'Ramikade—"Commander of Supercommandos"—Mand'alor was the de facto ruler of the Mandalorians' conquered home planet, the eponymous Outer Rim world of Mandalore. Outsiders to the Mandalorian culture often respectfully addressed the Mandalorian leader as Lord Mandalore. The importance of the Mand'alor was reflected in the six tenets that outlined Mandalorian culture, the Resol'nare, one of which dictated that a Mandalorian rally to the Mand'alor when called upon.

For years, the position of Mand'alor was traditionally symbolized by the passing of the mask of Mandalore upon the death of the previous owner, but in later times this custom had faded into antiquity, and new Mandalores needed only the support of the people to ascend to the role. Numerous Mandalores also took to adapting descriptive epithets, in order to distinguish themselves from those who came before and after. Following the foundation of the New Mandalorians, the pacifist sect rejected the authority of the clan-chosen Mandalores, and instead appointed their own leaders in opposition to those who ruled the warrior clans. The Death Watch, in turn, appointed their own Secret Mandalores in opposition to both the New Mandalorians and the unaffiliated warrior clans. During this period of social division in the Mandalorian culture, the traditionally chosen Mand'alor of the clans became known as the "True Mandalore", as a means of countering the claims of the New Mandalorian and Death Watch leaders. Throughout the history of the galaxy, at least twenty-three Mandalorians declared themselves Mand'alor, and met with varied degrees of success in their attempts to lead the Mandalorian people.


"Mandalores aren't administrators. Mandalorians can run their own communities—anywhere. They just need…general leadership when it's called for."
―Boba Fett[4]

Fenn Shysa, a Mandalore beloved by his people

The title of Mandalore was the Galactic Basic Standard transliteration of the Mando'a word Mand'alor, which meant "sole ruler" in the Mandalorian language.[5] The position of Mand'alor was a combination of king, warlord, and general in function,[6] often carrying with it the additional title of Al'Ori'Ramikade, "Commander of Supercommandos."[7] A non-hereditary role,[6] only a Mandalorian deemed worthy could claim the title of Mand'alor,[8] exemplifying the Mandalorian meritocracy ideal.[2] When the previous Mandalore fell[3] or stepped down,[1] a Mandalorian with both vision and strength could make a claim for the title, but if the other clans did not accept the individual as the new Mand'alor and recognize their authority, their duty was to remove the unsuitable claimant and institute a more favorable leader.[6] The significance of the Mand'alor's role in Mandalorian society was so great that one of the Resol'nare—the six basic tenets that defined Mandalorian culture—detailed the importance of loyalty toward the Mand'alor, and rallying to the Mandalorian leader when called upon.[2]

In addition to being the leader of the Mandalorian people, the Mand'alor was the de facto leader of the planet Mandalore, the Mandalorian homeworld with which the title shared its Basic-translated name. Both the planet and its leader had been granted such similar titles because Mandalore the planet and Mandalore the leader were supposed to be synonymous in the eyes of the Mandalorians, with the Mand'alor acting in the best interests of the planet and its people.[5][9] Mandalorians referred to their leader either by title or by name, when on an informal basis.[9] Non-Mandalorians, however, often addressed the Mand'alor by the formal title of "Lord Mandalore" when wishing to be respectful.[10][11] During times of war, the Mand'alor was expected to serve as a strong leader on the battlefield. During times of peace, it was the Mandalore's duty to liaise with the various clan chieftains who comprised a loose government,[9] over which only the Mand'alor held greater authority in traditional Mandalorian society,[12] in order to make decisions concerning the planet Mandalore, Mandalorian space, and Mandalorians living throughout the galaxy.[9]


"When our leader falls in battle, the most worthy takes his place."
―Mandalore the Preserver[3]
Mandalorians - TEA

Mandalore the Indomitable leading the Mandalorian Crusaders

When the Taung race was driven from Coruscant by the Human Battalions of Zhell in the years prior to the foundation of the Galactic Republic, they fled to the planet Roon. In 7000 BBY, under the leadership of the legendary Mandalore the First, the Taung traveled to a new world in the Outer Rim. Slaughtering the native mythosaur inhabitants, the Taung named the world Manda'yaim,[13] or "home of Mandalore"[14] in honor of their leader, in addition to recasting themselves as the Mandalorians[12] or Mando'ade—"sons and daughters of Mandalore."[15] It was the example of Mandalore the First that led to the title of Mandalore[1] and its Mando'a equivalent of Mand'alor,[14] to traditionally be used to signify the leader of the Mandalorian clans.[1]

Shortly before 4000 BBY,[16] and some time after the reign of Mandalore the Conqueror,[17] Mandalore the Indomitable had become the new Mand'alor.[16] By this time, the position of Mand'alor was symbolized by the war mask of Mandalore, passed down to a successor when the previous leader perished.[3] With an army of Mandalorian Crusaders, Mandalore led his warriors on a campaign to conquer new worlds that put him into conflict with the newly anointed Sith Lord, Ulic Qel-Droma. Mandalore was defeated in single combat on Kuar by the former Jedi, and thus pledged his service and the service of his warriors to the Sith. The Mandalorians engaged the Republic on behalf of the Brotherhood of the Sith, culminating in the battle at Onderon, where Mandalore fell, and a new warrior claimed his mask and the title of Mand'alor. Indomitable's successor,[18] Mandalore the Ultimate, reorganized the Mandalorian warriors according to the Neo-Crusader movement,[16] and led the Mandalorians into the Mandalorian Wars with the Republic, during which he conquered vast expanses of the galaxy. But Mandalore the Ultimate met his match in the rogue Jedi Knight Revan, who slew the Mand'alor on Malachor V and defeated the Neo-Crusader army.[13] Following his victory, Revan claimed the mask of Mandalore for himself, and denied the Mandalorians the right of succession, allowing for the unified clans to fragment and scatter without direction.[3]

Great War Mandalore gladiator

Mandalore the Lesser in the gladiatorial arena on Geonosis

Though yet another Taung attempted to claim the title of Mand'alor,[16] it wasn't until Revan gifted the mask to his trusted one time companion, the Mandalorian warrior named Canderous Ordo, that the tradition of the Mandalore was allowed to truly continue.[3] Ordo took the sobriquet of "Mandalore the Preserver," and at the insistence of Revan, began to gather the scattered Mandalorian clans, establishing a headquarters on Onderon's moon, Dxun. Banding together under the banner of Clan Ordo, Mandalore the Preserver's assembled warriors aided Meetra Surik in battling against the forces of the Sith Triumvirate during the Dark Wars.[3][16] However, in spite of Ordo's attempts to reunite the clans, the Mandalorians remained predominantly fragmented for several centuries. That all changed when a young Mandalorian gladiator rose to fame on the planet Geonosis:[8] defeating all of his opponents with the help of Imperial Intelligence agents in the employ of the reconstituted Sith Empire, the gladiator used his notoriety to claim the title of Mand'alor.[19] As the leader who became known as Mandalore the Lesser,[6] the new Mand'alor rallied the widespread Mandalorian forces, but did so in accordance with the orders of his Sith masters. He blockaded the Hydian Way trade route, but was defeated by a contingent of smugglers.[19] In an effort to regain support, Mandalore the Lesser initiated the galaxy-wide competition for glory known as the Great Hunt, only to be challenged by the victor, and killed. The Great Hunt's champion, Artus Lok, took the title of Mand'alor for himself, consolidating his power and defeating a pro-Republic Mandalorian schism led by Jicoln Cadera. Under the title "Mandalore the Vindicated," Artus ensured the Mandalorians remained allies of the Sith, albeit cautious and highly paid ones.[6] Mandalore the Vindicated later died in battle against the forces of the Eternal Empire, and the famed Mandalorian bounty hunter Shae Vizla reluctantly took up the absent mantle, becoming "Mandalore the Avenger" as she led the fight against the Eternal Empire.[20]

At some point, the Mandalorian training master Jaing attempted to bring several Mandalorian clans under his guidance.[1] However, an act of betrayal made Jaing the enemy of the Mandalorian Ung Kusp, and his loyal clan of mercenaries killed Jaing at the facilities of a cyberneticist in the Outer Rim. Jaing's apprentice, the Gen'Dai warrior known as Durge, vowed to avenge his fallen master[21] and developed an intense hatred for the Mandalorian people. Durge's thirst for revenge led him[22] to ally with a rogue group of Jedi Knights and the Bounty Hunters' Guild, on a vengeful strike against the ruling Mandalore as retaliation for the Mandalorian genocide of the Ithullan race.[18] The mercenary Aga Awaud returned home to Mandalore at the end of the New Sith Wars, only to find that his clan had been ravaged by the Candorian plague and the Mandalore sector was on the defensive against raiders and pirates. He rallied his scattered people to return and defend Mandalore, becoming "Mandalore the Uniter" as he rebuilt Mandalorian space.[23] At some point during this era, the galaxy saw the rule of Mandalore the Hammerborn, Mandalore the Binder,[24] and the rise of the female Mandalorian Ranah Teh Naast as "Mandalore the Destroyer"; history witnessed Naast lay siege to the city of Luon.[25]

Mereel Montross

Mand'alor Jaster Mereel

Around 60 BBY,[18] Jaster Mereel beat out Tor Vizsla for the position of Mand'alor.[26] Determined to reform the increasingly amoral ways of the Mandalorian warrior clans since the destruction of the Ithullans, Mereel established the Supercommando Codex,[18] guidelines dictating that any Mandalorian who wished to fight would behave as an honorable mercenary.[26] Mereel's reforms were met with opposition both from the pacifistic New Mandalorian faction—who rejected the traditional authority of the Mandalores chosen by the warrior clans,[23] often referred to during this time as "True Mandalores,"[24] instead appointing their own Mand'alor[27]—and, more dangerously, by Tor Vizsla, who hated Mereel for stealing power over the Mandalorians away from him. With talk of returning the Mandalorians to their crusading roots and igniting another war of conquest, Vizsla gathered like-minded warriors to form the splinter group that came to be known as Death Watch,[26] declaring himself the Mand'alor in secret.[24] Mereel's loyal soldiers recast themselves as the "True Mandalorians" in turn,[26] and civil war soon broke out.[18] Mereel was killed by Vizsla during the course of the war, but the Mand'alor was succeeded by his surrogate son, Jango Fett. Fett led the Mandalorians throughout the rest of the war until the Battle of Galidraan, where the Death Watch deceived a team of Jedi into destroying the True Mandalorian army; Fett was the only survivor, but his subsequent stint as a slave courtesy of the Governor of Galidraan, and the loss of his comrades,[26] made Fett bitter and distant from his people. He turned to a life as a bounty hunter until his death at the Battle of Geonosis.[28]

During the later years of Fett's reign as Mand'alor,[28] in the time following the Great Clan Wars, when the Death Watch had attempted and failed to depose the New Mandalorian regime, the pacifist people appointed Satine Kryze as their own Mand'alor,[27] refusing to recognize Fett.[23] In the wake of Jango Fett's death in 22 BBY, the Mandalorian warrior clans were left without a proper Mand'alor.[28] Pre Vizsla, kinsman of Tor Vizsla and the new leader of the Death Watch in hiding[29] by 22 BBY,[30] believed that he was in fact continuing the tradition of the Mand'alor in the face of the political dominance established by the New Mandalorian government.[31] In 20 BBY, the Death Watch was able to depose Kryze and the New Mandalorian leadership with the aid of a collective of crime lords led by the Sith Darth Maul, allowing Pre Vizsla to take his place at the head of both Death Watch and the New Mandalorian people. Unfortunately for him, Vizsla's rule was short lived: challenged for leadership by Maul after a betrayal of his former ally's trust, Vizsla was defeated and killed in a duel, after which Maul claimed the title[27] of Secret Mandalore for himself, along with the right to rule Death Watch. Death Watch fragmented at the claim, with a portion of the sect refusing to follow the rule of a non-Mandalorian.[27] Maul was later subdued by his former Sith Master Darth Sidious, and the New Mandalorians were left under the leadership of Prime Minister Almec, who was backed by Death Watch.[27]

The position of the traditional Mandalorian leader of the clans was filled once again with the arrival of Spar—a former ARC trooper and deserter from the Galactic Republic's clone army—on the planet Mandalore. There,[1] spurred by the clan chieftain Fenn Shysa,[28] Spar took the title "Mandalore the Resurrector," won out over the New Mandalorian faction,[13] and led the Mandalorians in support of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. As the new Mand'alor, Spar waged war against the forces of the Republic with his army of Mandalorian Protectors until the disastrous mission to Norval II, where the only Mandalorians to escape from a Republic ambush alive were Spar, Shysa, and Shysa's friend Tobbi Dala. Returning to Mandalore, a traumatized Spar stepped down from being Mand'alor[1] and left the position vacant again.[28]


Mand'alor Boba Fett

With the rise of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY and the Imperial occupation of Mandalore, Fenn Shysa was pressed to ascend to the role of Mand'alor as part of a covert campaign to force the Empire off the Mandalorian homeworld.[28] Under Shysa's leadership, the Mandalorians won their freedom from the Empire, driving the Imperial forces off of Mandalore,[7] and with the Mand'alor's guidance, the Mandalorians flourished. Even still, Shysa's past came back to haunt him years later, when Jango Fett's clone son, Boba Fett, was hired to kill Shysa in revenge for his actions during the Clone Wars. Tracking the Mand'alor to the planet Shogun, Fett succeeded in killing the Mandalorian leader,[1] but not as he had planned—coming under attack from the Sevvets, Shysa was mortally wounded after saving Fett's life. With Shysa unable to flee and Fett unwilling to leave the Mandalorian leader to a death at the hands of the Sevvets, Fett killed the Mand'alor as an act of mercy, but not before agreeing to Shysa's dying wish: Fett was to take Shysa's place as Mand'alor.[1][7] True to his word, Fett became the new Mandalorian leader,[7] and led the Mandalorians during the chaos of the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of the galaxy, first as the Vong's false allies while gaining intelligence on the strange new foes,[32] then as the open enemies of the alien invaders.[1] In the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong war, the restoration of Mandalore fell upon Fett's shoulders: the Mand'alor recalled millions of Mandalorians from around the galaxy to recoup the severe population loss incurred during the Vong attack on Mandalore, donated his own personal funds to the recovery effort, negotiated a trade treaty with the technologically gifted Verpine, and presided over the find of a new beskar iron ore lode, allocating the profits from the sale and manufacturing prospects of the metal for the betterment of Mandalore.[9] Fett's prior relationship with Imperial Admiral Natasi Daala,[7] elected Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance in 41 ABY,[33] helped to establish a working relationship between the Mandalorians and the galactic government.[34][35]

By 127 ABY, Chernan Ordo had become Mand'alor. Acting on behalf of the Galactic Alliance at the start of the Sith–Imperial War, Ordo led the Mandalorians against the Imperial forces of Emperor Roan Fel during the battle at Botajef. However, Ordo was betrayed by his subordinate, Yaga Auchs, who orchestrated the Mand'alor's demise and succeeded Ordo as the new leader of the Mandalorians. Following the orders of a secret master, Auchs ordered the Mandalorians back to the planet Mandalore, under the premise of rebuilding,[35] just as Boba Fett had years earlier.[9]


Mandalore the First[]

Mandalore the First was a mythic figure in Mandalorian history, an ancient leader of the Taung who led his warriors from Roon to conquer a new world which they named in their leader's honor. The loyal Taung also honored Mandalore by recasting themselves as the Mandalorians,[12] or Mando'ade, "sons and daughters of Mandalore."[15] Under Mandalore the First, the Taung tamed the savage landscape of the newly christened planet Mandalore, slaughtering the gigantic mythosaurs that had made the world their home.[13] Mandalore the First began the tradition of all subsequent leaders of the Mandalorian people taking the title of Mandalore,[1] or Mand'alor, a title meaning "sole ruler," and the native rendering of Mandalore the First's name.[5]

Mandalore the Conqueror[]

Following in the tradition established by Mandalore the First,[1] another Mandalorian warrior claimed the title of Mand'alor.[17] Leading the Mandalorians in a series of military campaigns to expand their resources and territory, Mandalore the Conqueror was instrumental in the formation of the Mandalorian Crusaders during the early campaigns in which the group came into being,[36] and the Jedi Knight Revan was aware of the Mand'alor's reign.[17]

Mandalore the Indomitable[]


Mandalore the Indomitable

"My warriors need another crusade. The Empress Teta system is in chaos, overstretched by their many conquests. The witch Aleema and her Jedi devotee Ulic Qel-Droma will fall under the fist of Mandalore!"
―Mandalore the Indomitable[10]

Yet another Taung warrior rose through the ranks of the Mandalorian Crusaders and took up the position of Mand'alor, this time at a point prior to 4000 BBY. Mandalore the Indomitable led his Crusaders in a search of worthy foes to fight, taking part in several successful campaigns.[16] In 3996 BBY,[18] Mandalore the Indomitable set his sights on the Empress Teta system, only to run afoul of the fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma, leading an army of the dark side-worshipping Krath cultists. Mandalore and Qel-Droma engaged in single combat on the planet Kuar, where the recently ordained Sith apprentice managed to overcome the Mandalorian leader. Defeated, Mandalore the Indomitable pledged his loyalty and that of his forces to Qel-Droma, drawing the Mandalorians into the growing Great Sith War. Loyal to his new liege, the Mand'alor aided Qel-Droma and the Sith in taking the shipyards of Foerost, and led his warriors in an attack on Coruscant itself. When Qel-Droma was captured by the Jedi during the course of the Coruscant invasion, Mandalore the Indomitable allied with Qel-Droma's Sith Master, Exar Kun, in order to free him.[10]

Impressed with the loyalty Mand'alor displayed in freeing him from his captors, Qel-Droma assigned Mandalore the Indomitable and his warriors with the capture of the Republic aligned planet, Onderon. The Mandalorians rained down on the Onderon city of Iziz atop Basilisk war droids, but the combined resistance of Onderon's Beast Riders and the warships of the Republic proved too much for Mandalore the Indomitable and his forces. While ordering a retreat to Onderon's moon, Dxun, where Mandalore intended to lose their beast-riding pursuers, the Mand'alor's war droid was shot down on the hostile moon. Emerging from the remains of his Basilisk mount, Mandalore the Indomitable soon found himself surrounded by a number of dangerous beasts native to Dxun's jungles. Despite his attempts to fight off the creatures, they eventually managed to overcome and kill the Mandalorian leader. While seeking out their downed leader, one of Mandalore the Indomitable's followers came upon the mask of Mandalore,[10] and in accordance with Mandalorian tradition, claimed it and the title of Mand'alor for himself.[18]

Mandalore the Ultimate[]


Mandalore the Ultimate

"Now I am the new Mandalore!"
―Mandalore the Ultimate[37]

Claiming the mask of the deceased Mandalore the Indomitable on Dxun, a Taung Mandalorian Crusader proclaimed himself to be the new Mand'alor,[10] Mandalore the Ultimate. Convinced that the fabled "Great Last Battle" of Mandalorian lore,[1] and spurred secretly by the Sith,[3] Mandalore the Ultimate began a new campaign of conquest. Drawing from the Neo-Crusader sect developing on the planet Mandalore, the Mand'alor forged a new army,[16] drawing recruits from numerous other species beyond the dwindling Taung race, accepting any who joined the Mandalorians as equals to those who had naturally been born into the culture, fundamentally changing what it meant to be a Mandalorian forever after. Over the following two decades, Mandalore the Ultimate led his forces to capture independent worlds on the fringes of Republic space,[1] finally eliciting a response from the Republic once the planet Taris was threatened, beginning the conflict known as the Mandalorian Wars in earnest.[38]

While Republic Intelligence was unable to determine the identity of Mand'alor,[39] Mandalore the Ultimate made a name for himself with devastating attacks on Taris and Vanquo, before securing his infamy with the nuclear bombing that brought a swift and brutal end to the battle at Serroco.[40] After participating in a failed attempt to acquire an armada of dangerous weaponized exogorths from the Arkanian Arkoh Adasca,[41] Mandalore the Ultimate redoubled his assault, devastating the Republic Navy time and again.[3] It was not until a splinter group of Jedi led by the rogue Knights Revan and Malak, entered into the conflict against the wishes of the Jedi Council that the tide finally began to turn in favor of the Republic, and against the armies of Mandalore. This downturn came to a head at Malachor V, where in the midst of what became the final battle of the Mandalorian Wars, Revan personally slew Mandalore the Ultimate.[38] With the Mand'alor defeated, Revan denied the Mandalorians their right of succession by taking the Mandalore's mask. Without the guidance of a new leader, the Mandalorian clans were left to fracture, drifting from conquering warriors, to mainly mercenaries and bounty hunters.[3]

First Unidentified Mandalore[]

"Statement: With all due respect, master, he is the leader of the Mandalorians. Perhaps my old master was foolish to send me after him."
―HK-47 to Revan[42]

After the defeat of Mandalore the Ultimate and Revan's denial of Mandalorian succession, the Mandalorian clans fragmented without a leader's guidance. However, one of the last living Taung to survive the species' near extinction following the Mandalorian Wars[1] attempted to reunite the Mandalorians as a new Mand'alor.[16] A rebellious Mandalorian soldier attempted to use the skills of the assassin droid HK-47 to kill the Mand'alor, but the droid failed, only to be captured and reprogrammed to kill the soldier who had sent it, a task the robotic assassin carried out successfully. The following year, the Taung Mandalore sent a team of Mandalorians to the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk to test stealth technology.[42] At some point between 3954 BBY[17] and 3951 BBY, the dying Taung Mand'alor encountered the Mandalorian mercenary, Canderous Ordo. Ordo, having reclaimed the previous lost mask of Mandalore, was seeking to reunite the fractured clans under his rule. The Taung Mand'alor claimed the he was the true heir to Mandalore the Indomitable, and that Mandalore the Ultimate had been a Sith-backed pretender to the title. Before dying, the Taung bequeathed his own armor to Ordo, asking the man to preserve the Mandalorian traditions. Ordo agreed to the Mand'alor's final request, taking the Taung's armor and incorporating into it the mask of Mandalore, in addition to adopting the fallen leader's clan into his own nascent reunification movement.[16]

Mandalore the Preserver[]


Mandalore the Preserver

"Mandalore has returned! I am Mandalore the Preserver, and I will restore the honor and glory of my people!"
―Canderous Ordo[17]

Canderous Ordo was born a member of the Mandalorian Clan Ordo on the planet Ordo, where he grew to be a tough and skilled warrior through rigorous combat.[42] When Mandalore the Ultimate set out to form the Neo-Crusader army, Ordo was recruited as a battle tactician rather than a common foot soldier.[1] By the start of the Mandalorian Wars, Ordo had attained a commander rank, and earned a victory for the Mandalorians at the battle of Althir III, where he defeated an Althiri fleet, but at the cost of numerous allied lives. As the war with the Republic escalated, Ordo found the tactics of the Republic to cowardly, and their forces weak. Only when the Jedi Knights Revan and Malak entered the war on the Republic's behalf did Ordo believe the Mandalorians had found a worthy opponent.[42] Though he married, after Mandalore the Ultimate was defeated by Revan and the Mandalorians lost the war, Ordo abandoned his wife and clan to go into exile,[17] where he took up work as a mercenary, and an enforcer for a Tarisian crime boss. Ordo's life changed again when he was found by the amnesiac former Jedi Revan, choosing to follow and aid the man who had once been the Mandalorians' greatest enemy. Together with a group of other individuals loyal to Revan, Ordo challenged the now Darth Malak and his Sith Empire; Revan eventually challenged and defeated Malak, ending the Jedi Civil War[42] and with his memories of the greater Sith threat lurking beyond known space, Revan delivered the mask of Mandalore into Ordo's possession, with instructions to reunite the Mandalorians in preparation for the future dangers the Sith posed.[3]

Taking the name "Mandalore the Preserver," Ordo absorbed the clan of a dying Taung claimant to the Mand'alor title into his own, and set out to rebuild the Mandalorian power base from Mandalore the Ultimate's abandoned outpost on Dxun.[16] With a new base of operations, Ordo called upon Mandalorian recruits of all walks of life from across the galaxy and, inspired by Ordo's vision of the return of Mandalorian influence, numerous clans banded together and joined him on Dxun. In 3951 BBY, Meetra Surik—a former follower of Revan during the Mandalorian Wars—happened upon Canderous' growing operation. With some convincing and proof of Surik's worth, Ordo aided the former Jedi General in a fight against the Onderon general Vaklu, before setting out with Surik in her quest to destroy a trio of new Sith Lords. During his travels with Surik, Ordo recruited several additional Mandalorian mercenaries to his cause. In a battle over the planet Telos IV, Ordo and his soldiers took part in killing Darth Nihilus alongside Surik, and when it came time to challenge the duplicitous Kreia, Ordo returned to the site of the Neo-Crusaders' defeat, Malachor V. Surik killed Kreia and learnt her last lesson, and Ordo parted ways with her soon after, continuing on his path toward restoring the Mandalorians.[3]

Mandalore the Lesser[]

Mandalore General Maximus

Mandalore the Lesser

"In the arenas of Geonosis, a young gladiator had risen to prominence, calling himself the new Mandalore—a title unclaimed for centuries, a title reserved for the greatest warrior in the galaxy. A warrior worthy to lead the Mandalorians."
―Jedi Master Gnost-Dural[8]

Centuries passed without a Mand'alor to lead the clans, until around 3667 BBY.[8] With the return of the Sith Empire from exile, the Imperials wished to obtain the martial services of the Mandalorians. Though some Mandalorians took the Empire's offer of work, most declined the repeated recruitment attempts of Imperial diplomats. The Empire changed its strategy: singling out a successful Mandalorian gladiator in the arenas of Geonosis, Imperial Intelligence aided his rise by drugging his competitors, and spurring the crowds of spectators to call for the gladiator's ascension as Mand'alor.[19] The proud warrior claimed the title, becoming the new Mandalore, and rallied an army of Mandalorian followers from across the galaxy with the promise of challenging the legendary Knights of the Jedi Order.[8] In service to the Sith Empire, the Mandalore led his soldiers to blockade the Hydian Way hyperspace lane. Thoroughly defeating the Jedi attack group sent to remove them, Mandalore's blockade held strong until the combined effort of a group of smugglers and Republic cruisers finally broke through.[19] With this loss, the clans' support for their new leader wavered. In an effort to rejuvenate the clans and restore their faith, the Mand'alor initiated the Great Hunt, a competition for glory on a galactic scale. The Great Hunt's champion, Artus, challenged Mandalore to a duel following his victory, shooting and killing the Mandalorian leader history would look back upon as "Mandalore the Lesser." Artus became the new Mand'alor, taking the epithet "Mandalore the Vindicated."[6]

Mandalore the Vindicated[]


Mandalore the Vindicated

"Mandalore was slain recently and his killer, the new Mandalore, has taken his place. Whether or not he's another Imperial puppet remains to be seen, but we must watch him closely."
―Jedi Master Gnost-Dural, on Mandalore the Vindicated — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[19]

A Mandalorian warrior of Clan Lok,[36] Artus Lok began his rise under Mandalore the Lesser.[6] When the Mand'alor called for an army, numerous Mandalorians across the galaxy rallied to their new leader. However, when Mandalore's efforts were overcome[8] and support among the clans waned, Mandalore the Lesser initiated the Great Hunt, a galaxy-wide competition for glory. Lok took the Mand'alor's challenge, and eventually emerged as Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. This success was not enough for Lok however, and he proceeded to challenge Mandalore to a duel, wherein he shot and killed the reigning Mand'alor, claiming the fallen leader's title in the process. As "Mandalore the Vindicated," Lok slowly consolidated his power over the Mandalorian clans, and successfully overcame an uprising led by the soldier Jicoln Cadera, who believed that the Mandalorians should follow the path of Mandalore the Preserver and ally with the Republic. With his authority made absolute, Mandalore the Vindicated ensured that the Mandalorians remained the cautious and well-paid allies of the Sith Empire.[6] Lok's ascension to the role of Mand'alor caught the attention of Jedi Master Gnost-Dural, and the Kel Dor Jedi made an effort to investigate whether Mandalore the Vindicated was an Imperial puppet as his predecessor had been.[19]

Throughout the wars between the Republic and Empire, Mandalore the Vindicated fought and led his warriors in several battles on the side of the Sith.[43] When the Eternal Empire of Zakuul launched its own campaign against the varied groups of the galaxy, Mandalore summoned all of the clans to him, and led his forces in defense of the Mandalorian people. During a battle with the Empire's seemingly endless supply of skytrooper droids, Lok broke the enemy's ranks and commanded his troops to retreat. Though his kinsmen were able to escape, Lok was swarmed and overwhelmed by skytroopers, ultimately perishing in the face of their combined assault. The famed Mandalorian bounty hunter Shae Vizla succeeded Lok as the new Mand'alor, taking the title "Mandalore the Avenger" as she led.[20]

Mandalore the Avenger[]

Mandalore the Avenger before Showdown

Mandalore the Avenger

"A dozen clans stand with Mandalore the Avenger. We're ready for blood…even if our enemies are built of metal and grease."
Khomo Fett[20]

A skilled Mandalorian warrior, Shae Vizla earned her fame as a bounty hunter and mercenary, taking jobs for credits with little care for her employers' goals.[44] Following the return of the Sith Empire from their millennia-long era of seclusion, the Imperial Sith formed an alliance with the Mandalorian warrior clans,[43] and Vizla's exceptional talents[44] saw her commonly employed by the Imperials for high-risk operations of a large and important nature.[45] After the Great Galactic War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic gave way to a tepid peace, Vizla retired to the planet Rishi with her clan, only to return to the fight when a returned Lord Revan threatened the galaxy on Yavin 4.[43]

When the Eternal Empire of Zakuul launched a campaign of conquest on the galaxy, the Mandalorian clans rallied against the Zakuulan Empire, but Mandalore the Vindicated ultimately fell in battle against their overwhelming droid forces. To aid in the Mandalorians' continued resistance, Shae Vizla reluctantly agreed to take up the role of Mand'alor. Donning the sobriquet "Mandalore the Avenger," Vizla led the Mandalorians in several victories against the Eternal Throne, eventually setting her sights on the Empire's droid factories on Darvannis. Together with the Outlander, Mandalore the Avenger and her warriors raided the factory, pillaging advanced weapons and technology from within. Under her leadership, the Mandalorians joined the Outlander's anti-Zakuul Alliance, and continued to wage war against the Eternal Empire[20] until it was at last defeated.[46]

After the war was over, Shae continue to lead her people within the Alliance, as they assisted in the rebuilding not only their people, now stronger than ever, but that of the galaxy wrecked by war. Mand'alor would lead the clans to ironically work alongside their former enemy, Hylo Visz, who had broken their blockade decades prior. Together, they helped secure supply runs from pirates or anyone else greedy enough during the resource crisis that began to grip the galaxy. As a result no one dared attacked those ships, knowing they were under the watchful protection of Mandalorians. However, Shae would encounter challenges to her leadership. When the third Galactic War began, before the raid on Darvannis, surviving members of Clan Lok and other like-minded Mandalorians had grown dissatisfied with her leadership and choose to abandon them before the Clans arrived on Darvannis. Led by Mirli Lok they ended up traveling to the world of Onderon, where they made a agreement with the current King, Regalun Petryph; in exchange for allowing them to hunt in peace, the newly formed Ash'ad would share tribute of the creatures they hunted, with the king not realizing he was being played by the rogue Mandalorians.

Mandalore the Avenger soon discovered their location and, when tensions were rising on Onderon, she sent Mandalorians to the city of Iziz and from there tasked the Alliance Commander to seek out the Ash'ad, wanting them to pay for abandoning the Clans. Shae was determined to see them stripped of their armor and clean the stain of honor to the previous Mand'alor, which in the end proved successful after the Commander found their base in the jungles, eliminating every single member present and stripping their armor from them. Mirli was killed in the process.

Her actions in the Meridian Complex assault would signify where the Mandalorians stood in the new conflict and who they would aid this time.

Shae Vizla's leadership was put to the test when a hidden renegade Mandalorian group known as the Hidden Chain, led by Field Marshal Heta Kol, came to believe that the Mandalorians under Vizla's rule had lost sight of their ways. Even Clans still loyal to her were starting to feel that they had become glorified couriers by focusing their efforts on protecting cargo supply runs or caravans needing their protection from pirates. Her advisor Jekiah Ordo continue to voice concerns about the growing unrest among the Clans and believed that they should have cracked down harder on them during his investigations to the Hidden Chain's raids on their cargo runs, but Shae remained firm on keeping the Mandalorians freedom and independence, as she did not want to cause further unease.

Jekiah Ordo took the Spirit of Vengeance II to lure the mysterious attackers out, which was successful but not before they lost contact with the Alliance's base, forcing Mandalore's hand as she got the Alliance Commander to assist her in freeing the ship. When they arrived, they discovered that Heta Kol had gathered Mandalorian outcast groups such as the Dar'manda, Clan Varad, and the Ash'ad together into the Hidden Chain and, with their combined ships, had the Spirit of Vengeance II locked as their boarding parties worked to steal the relics from within the ship.

The Alliance Commander, along with Jekiah's brother, Rass Ordo, boarded each of the Hidden Chain's ships to free the flagship, fighting through Varad warriors, Dar'manda mercenaries, and Ash'ad warriors, defeating leaders like Gorga Brak, Bask Sunn, and Troya Ajak. They made it to the bridge of the Vengeance, where they found the remaining survivors, led by Jekiah Ordo, but Heta Kol made her appearance as she confronted the Commander and Mand'alor.

A fight ensued, but when members of the Hidden Chain finally found the Clan Cadera banner, Heta made her escape into space, while the loyal Mandalorians were left to recover the damage on the Spirit of Vengeance. Mandalore the Avenger would begin the search for Heta Kol and the Hidden Chain in the hopes of preventing another Mandalorian Civil War. Her hopes would fail however as wider conflict broke between Clans and some of her followers would betray her like Clan Farr, Werda, Rodarch, and Bralor.

Shae Vizla would decide to renounced her title of Mand'alor and leave command to Jekiah Ordo as she gathered a group to help release Darth Malgus out from prison in order to locate Heta Kol. Leaving the title of Mand'alor in question as Jekiah as Arbiter was now in command of the Tra'tade.

Mandalore the Binder[]

Mandalore the Binder-BHC

Mandalore the Binder

"Remember that some of the greatest Mandalores were born or grew up far from our homeworld. Mandalore the Binder was born the son of a rug weaver on Harswee…"
―Tor Vizsla[24]

Mandalore the Binder was a Male Mandalorian Warrior Born to the son of a rug weaver on the Mandalorian world of Harswee, a planet known for its luxurious loom-woven carpet exports. He would eventually rise up to take the title of Mand'alor and become the new leader of the Mandalorians.

Mandalore the Uniter[]


Mandalore the Uniter

"Under his leadership, Mandalorian space not only survived the upheaval of the New Sith Wars but thrived, emerging as a regional industrial power and protector of neighboring systems and sectors."
Vilnau Teupt[23]

Aga Awaud was a Mandalorian mercenary who lived during the New Sith Wars sometime after Ung Kasp's rule had ended. As the Candorian plague spread across large swaths of the galaxy, Awaud returned home to Mandalore in 1058 BBY, only to find that most of his clan had fallen to the ravenous disease, and Mandalorian space was patrolled by convoys of starships fighting off raiders from the surrounding sectors of lawless space. Awaud was appalled by the deteriorated state of affairs he found, and rallied the Mandalorians throughout the galaxy to take up the defense of the Mandalore sector in a movement that came to be known as "The Return." When Awaud called, Mandalorians rallied to his cause, and in 1051 BBY, Awaud rose to become Mand'alor, taking the title of "Mandalore the Uniter" as he re-established Mandalorian space as a strong and industrious state, providing protection and inspiration to surrounding sectors.[23]

Mandalore the Destroyer[]

"Here's why you can't exterminate us, aruetii. We're not huddled in one place—we span the galaxy. We need no lords or leaders—so you can't destroy our command. We can live without technology—so we can fight with our bare hands. We have no species or bloodline—so we can rebuild our ranks with others who want to join us. We're more than just a people or an army, aruetii. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we can certainly kill you."
―Mandalore the Destroyer[25]

The daughter of Uvhen Chal, Ranah Teh Naast was a Mandalorian who rose to the position of Mand'alor[25] at some point in history prior to the downfall of the Republic.[47] Taking the sobriquet "Mandalore the Destroyer" during her tenure as the leader of the Mandalorians, Naast led her people to lay siege to the city of Luon. While her forces besieged the embattled city, Mandalore the Destroyer made contact with the Consul of Luon. During this exchange, the Mand'alor offered the Consul a final opportunity to surrender the city rather than continue to resist, and detailed the virtues of Mandalorian culture and its ability to endure that which would cripple other groups. She also stated that while the forces of Luon were incapable of destroying the Mandalorians due to their flexible structure, the Mandalorians were more than able to destroy the city.[25]

Mandalore the Hammerborn[]

"Remember that some of the greatest Mandalores were born or grew up far from our homeworld. […] Mandalore the Hammerborn grew up in the alleys of Kol Atorn, learning accented Mando'a from the emigrants and exiles who had settled there."
―Tor Vizsla[24]

Mandalore the Hammerborn was a Mandalorian warrior who was born and grew up in alleys of Kol Atorn and would eventually take the title of Mand'alor. As growing up, the future Mand'alor learned how speak Mando'a from the exiled Mandalorians and immigrants who settled there.

Second Unidentified Mandalore[]

After defeating the Ithullans in a war over a Narcolethe distillery in 200 BBY, several Mandalorian warrior clans went on to enact the genocide of the Ithullan species. Despite this act, the Jedi Council of the era did nothing in the way of seeking justice.[18] Instead, the bounty hunter Durge[22] allied with a group of rogue Jedi Knights and the Bounty Hunters' Guild to strike at the reigning Mandalore, killing him in retaliation.[18] The Mandalorians loyal to the fallen Mandalore captured Durge, however, and subjected the Gen'dai hunter to torture so severe, it took several long decades for Durge to recover from the injuries they inflicted.[22]

Jaster Mereel[]


Jaster Mereel

"Jaster will do what's right for the Mandalorians. He always has."
―Jango Fett[26]

A native of Concord Dawn and a member of the world's law-keeping Journeyman Protectors, Jaster Mereel was an extraordinary soldier and a respected man of strong morals, morals that drove Mereel to kill a corrupt superior officer in an act that saw him banished from his home. Mereel later joined the Mandalorians, and sensing a general dissatisfaction with the decline in ethics among the more dishonorable members of the warrior culture, he fought to become the new Mand'alor and bring a new ideal to the clans,[1] beating out the barbaric Tor Vizsla in the process. Mereel declared that any Mandalorians who wished to fight would do so as honorable, highly paid soldiers,[26] and issued the Supercommando Codex, a new statute of behavior for Mandalorian mercenaries.[1] Opposed by the pacifistic New Mandalorian government,[13] and Vizsla's own radical followers, calling themselves the Death Watch, civil war broke out between the violent Death Watch and Mereel's own loyal soldiers, who proclaimed themselves the "True Mandalorians."[1] Mereel led his soldiers against the Death Watch in a battle on his home planet, one the True Mandalorians were initially losing prior to the intervention of Mereel's Journeyman Protector replacement, a man by the name of Fett. When Fett's family was attacked by the Death Watch for aiding Mereel, the Mand'alor was able to save the Protector's son, Jango Fett, and with the young boy's help, the Mandalorians escaped Vizsla and later turned the tide, defeating the Death Watch at a nearby town, and nearly killing their leader.[26]

With his parents dead, Mereel became a surrogate father to the young Jango Fett, and believing the Death Watch to be no more following their defeat on Concord Dawn, Mereel took to leading the True Mandalorians as a mercenary army. In 52 BBY, Mereel and the Mandalorians were contracted by the Korda Defense Force to extract an inexperienced security team from hostile fire on Korda Six. With Kordan intelligence suggesting minimal resistance, Mereel viewed the mission as "easy credits" and brought his army in, only to find that an ambush had been laid by the Death Watch. When Mereel's second-in-command, Montross, refused to obey the Mand'alor's order to retreat and found himself surrounded by enemy forces, Mereel was forced to rescue his disobedient subordinate, only to come under fire by Tor Vizsla himself. Montross abandoned the Mandalorian leader, using his jetpack to escape Vizsla's barrage while Mereel was left to perish. Jango Fett attempted to rescue his adoptive father, but could not reach the Mand'alor in time; mortally wounded, Mereel died in the arms of his surrogate son, and Fett returned the fallen Mandalore's body to the Mandalorians' extraction point. Montross attempted to claim the Mand'alor title, but when the truth of his betrayal was exposed, the Mandalorians rallied to Fett as their new leader. Montross slipped into exile, as Jango Fett succeeded Mereel as Mand'alor.[26]

Jango Fett[]


Jango Fett

"The Fett name puts the very fear of haran up the aruetiise. Whatever happened to Jango in the end, he killed Jedi with his bare hands. Folks don't forget that."
―Fenn Shysa[28]

The son of a Journeyman Protector, Jango Fett grew up on his family's farm on Concord Dawn. His quiet farming lifestyle was uprooted, however, when the civil war between the True Mandalorians and Death Watch spilled onto his home planet. Fett's family was destroyed by Tor Vizsla and his Death Watch soldiers, only escaping their fate due to the intervention of Jaster Mereel, Mand'alor and leader of the True Mandalorians. Fett was taken in by Mereel, whom he looked up to, becoming like the man's son as he joined the Mandalorian culture. When Mereel fell to Death Watch fire on Korda 6, Fett recovered his body from the battlefield and took up his surrogate father's role as Mand'alor. Fett led the Mandalorians throughout the Mandalorian Civil War, until the Mandalorians traveled to the planet Galidraan, where they were hired to resist a political uprising. However, the governor of Galidraan was secretly in league with the Death Watch, and called upon the aid of the Jedi Council in stopping what he claimed was a Mandalorian-initiated massacre, with the Death Watch providing the body count as evidence. As a Jedi strike team touched down on Galidraan and demanded the Mandalorians' surrender under threat of destruction, Fett ordered the innocent Mandalorians to fight back. Though the Jedi were not without casualties, the course of the battle soon turned against the True Mandalorians, and when Fett's second-in-command, Myles, was slain by a Jedi, the Mand'alor killed six Jedi with his bare hands, ending with Myles' killer. But even this was not enough, and by the battle's end, Fett was the only True Mandalorian alive. Captured by the Jedi and turned over to Galidraan's governor, Fett was subsequently sold into slavery aboard a spice transport, where he stayed until a pirate attack allowed him to escape.[26]

Reclaiming the Mandalorian armor that had been stolen from him by the governor of Galidraan, Fett set out to exact his revenge upon Tor Vizsla. Tracking the Death Watch leader to Corellia, Fett destroyed Vizsla's ship, and engaged him in a fight that led to the planet's surface. After a lengthy brawl, Vizsla poisoned Fett, but the Mand'alor was able to inflict a deep wound to Vizsla's abdomen, in turn. When a nearby pack of Corellian dire-cats smelled the spilled blood, they attacked and killed Vizsla, but ignored Fett due to the scent of the poison. With Vizsla dead and the war over, Fett turned to a life of bounty hunting to earn a living.[26] The loss of his comrades and his time as a slave made Fett a bitter man, and he grew distant from the rest of the Mandalorian people and his role as Mand'alor.[28] In 32 BBY, Fett was chosen by Count Dooku of Serenno—secretly the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus—to become the template for a clone army,[48] but did not live to see their deployment, as he was killed in the Petranaki arena on Geonosis by Jedi Master Mace Windu, during the early stages of what became the first battle of the Clone Wars.[49]

Pre Vizsla[]


Pre Vizsla

"Listen, Duchess. Do you hear the people? They cry out for change. Your weak-minded rule of Mandalore is at an end. The resurrection of our warrior past is about to begin!"
―Pre Vizsla to Duchess Satine[50]

Pre Vizsla was the leader of the splinter Mandalorian faction, Death Watch. With death of Mand'alor Jango Fett at hands of Mace Windu, Pre Vizsla began leading the Death Watch in attempts overthrow the New Mandalorians leadership in attempt restore the Mandalorian warrior culture ways, seeing Duchess Satine as an insult to all Mandalorians.

While in public eye he was governor of Mandalore's moon, Concordia, a supporter of Duchess Satine, he led the Death Watch through the shadows, using the old mines on Concordia to create Mandalorian armor and weapons, using these as staging points. Vizsla also sought the allegiance of Count Dooku and his Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS). Despite Dooku's distaste for Death Watch's first leader, Tor Vizsla, he agreed help the Death Watch in overthrowing the New Mandalorians. In part of their alliance with CIS, the Death Watch began leading attacks on Republic targets.

But this attracted the attention of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. At first, the Duchess and her advisers discounted any Mandalorian involvement until Kenobi showed holographic recordings of the Death Watch saboteur who attacked one of Republic's cruisers. Satine later revealed the existence of rumors of the Death Watch's return. This was later proven when a Mandalorian bombed the memorial shrine in the New Mandalorian capital of Sundari before committing suicide when Kenobi attempted to apprehend him, falling to his death. Before his death, he left at the bomb site a holographic representation of the Death Watch symbol, the fallen Shriek-hawk, this further highlighting the group's return. During these events Pre Vizsla communicated with Count Dooku, who revealed his strategy for the Republic to establish peacekeeping forces on Mandalore. Dooku hoped this would cause unrest and lead the Mandalorian populace to the Death Watch's ideals, a plan to which Pre Vizsla agreed. But on a hunch, Kenobi later discovered the Death Watch base of operations on Concordia in an old mining site.

Pre Vizsla later revealed himself as the leader of the Death Watch when confronting Obi-Wan and the Duchess after escaping some of his warriors. He gave back Kenobi's lightsaber and revealed the Darksaber, an ancient lightsaber stolen from the Jedi Temple by his ancestors during fall of the Old Republic era. Despite putting up a good fight, Vizsla proved unable defeat Obi-Wan in lightsaber combat and thus had his men active their jetpacks' rockets to try to kill them, but failed do so as Obi-Wan and Satine escaped.

Eventually Pre Vizsla broke off the alliance with the CIS after not getting the results he had hoped for. Dooku showed his disgust for the man by slicing his cheek with his lightsaber, giving him a scar. Pre Vizsla led his Death Watch into hiding, on Carlac for a time, showing his dishonorable nature when bullying the Ming Po people. But after a skirmish with both the Republic and CIS forces, losing several lieutenants in the fighting, the Death Watch established a base on Zanbar. After a space expedition, the Death Watch found the two Sith Zabrak brothers, Darth Maul and Savage Opress. Pre Vizsla finally gained his chance of overthrowing Duchess Satine as he allied the Death Watch with Darth Maul, forming the Shadow Collective, even bringing in the Pyke Syndicate. But after forcing the Hutt Cartel to work for them, Vizsla's and Maul's views began to clash, Pre had his top lieutenant, Bo Katan, be ready remove the brothers when the time came. With the help of the Shadow Collective, New Mandalorians began suffering attacks by them, their guards being ill able face them off. Death Watch, led by Pre Vizsla, began their part of plan and helped fight the criminals off, making them heroes in eyes of New Mandalorian people. Pre Vizsla, after having Duchess Satine imprisoned, claimed the ancient title of Mand'alor, betraying Darth Maul and his brother.

But Pre Vizsla's reign as Mandalore was short lived as the Sith brothers broke out of prison with former Prime Minister, Almec. In the throne room, Maul challenged Pre Vizsla to a duel for leadership of Death Watch, which Vizsla accepted and had his lightsaber given back to him. Vizsla's unpredictable fighting style allowed him gain ground against the Sith Lord, using his jetpack and blasters gain an edge against him. But after a long and difficult duel, Maul's Zabrak abilities prevailed and he defeated Vizsla. Pre Vizsla, seeing Maul was the victor, accepted his fate as Maul grabbed the darksaber and beheaded him in front of members of Death Watch, to Bo's horror. Darth Maul thus claimed his place as new leader of Death Watch. But because Maul was not a Mandalorian, Bo Katan and her Nite Owls refused follow him and escaped the throne room.

Mandalore the Resurrector[]


Mandalore the Resurrector

"Come on now, Spar, it's time to be doing your bit for Manda'yaim. […] Just act like Fett's heir while we sort ourselves out, so everyone knows we're still in business."
―Fenn Shysa[28]

The role of Mand'alor was later assumed by Spar after his arrival on Mandalore. A former Advanced Recon Commando clone trooper designated "Alpha-Ø2," the informally named Spar found himself subject to the genetic memories of his progenitor, Jango Fett. Fleeing from the watery world of Kamino, Spar deserted the Grand Army of the Republic[1] with the aid of Mij Gilamar, a Mandalorian clone trainer whom Spar had befriended.[28] After roaming the galaxy as a bounty hunter until Fett's death at the Battle of Geonosis, Spar was drawn to the planet Mandalore, where he felt driven to rebuild Mandalore's supercommando army;[1] befriending a local clan chieftain and constable by the name of Fenn Shysa, Spar was encouraged by Shysa to act as Jango Fett's heir and become the next Mand'alor. Spar eventually agreed,[28] becoming the new leader of the Mandalorian warrior clans. As Mand'alor, Spar won out over the previously ascendant New Mandalorian faction in the wake of Duchess Satine's death and that of Pre Vizsla's. He proclaimed himself "Mandalore the Resurrector" as a symbol of the warrior clans' return to dominance. Overturning the New Mandalorians' stance of neutrality in the Clone Wars,[13] Spar led the Mandalorians to side with the Separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems against both, the Jedi that Spar hated for helping destroy the True Mandalorian army,[12] and a Republic that Spar viewed as oppressive.[28]

Spar formed a new army of Mandalorian Supercommandos in the image of the fallen True Mandalorians,[12] dubbed the Mandalorian Protectors, comprising recruits from the local police and even former members of the violent Death Watch. With the Mandalorian Protectors, Spar seized the facilities of the Mandalorian starship manufacturer, MandalMotors, for exclusive use by the CIS.[1] Spar's first-hand knowledge of the tactics employed by the Grand Army's clone troops, he led his army as a blitzkrieg force, and their success led to the Confederacy employing the Protectors as an elite shock force against the most stubborn enemies. Spar led his soldiers to battle the Republic at New Holstice, Null, Zaadja, and even a raid on the cloning facilities of Kamino.[12] But after the devastating defeat at Norval II, which left only Spar, Shysa, and one other Mandalorian Protector alive in the battle's aftermath,[1] Spar returned to Mandalore. Shellshocked, he abdicated his role as Mand'alor, leaving the position vacant until the Clone Wars' end, when Fenn Shysa ascended in the face of the rise of the Galactic Empire.[28] Spar eventually left Mandalore, and traveled to the Extrictarium Nebula, where he was found by Ailyn Vel. Believing Spar to be her estranged father Boba Fett, due to their shared nature as clones of Jango Fett, Vel killed Spar and took his armor for herself.[1]

Fenn Shysa[]


Fenn Shysa

"Shysa led us to kick out the Empire. Didn't you, Fen'ika? A great Mand'alor. But he always wanted Fett as the front man, and Fett wasn't having it. Shysa got his way in the end, though."
Goran Beviin[7]

Growing up on Mandalore, Fenn Shysa enjoyed spending most of his time with his boyhood friend, Tobbi Dala. The two became constables as they grew older,[1] and Shysa even became a clan chieftain. A smart and savvy man,[28] Shysa recognized the marginalization Mandalore suffered under the Republic, and when the rogue ARC trooper Spar came to the Mandalorian homeworld,[1] Shysa endeavored to convince the clone of Jango Fett to act as his progenitor's heir, and become the new Mand'alor.[28] When Spar agreed, and became "Mandalore the Resurrector," Shysa was only too eager to join his newly formed Mandalorian Protector army,[1] earning a reputation as Spar's most loyal follower. The Protectors became a fearsome fighting force on the side of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and won numerous battles the CIS's battle droids could not,[12] but that all changed when the Mandalorians were ambushed on Norval II in a trap designed by the cunning Darth Sidious. Of the original Mandalorian force, only Shysa, his friend Dala, and the Mand'alor himself survived, returning to Mandalore near the war's end.[1] As the machinations of Darth Sidious—secretly the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Palpatine—transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire with himself as the new Emperor,[51] Mandalore came onto the radar of the new galactic government, seeking to establish a base of operations for the sector on the Mandalorian homeworld. Fearing the intentions of the Empire were not so simple, Shysa reluctantly became the new Mand'alor, as part of his preparations to remove the Imperial presence should they reveal themselves unfriendly.[28]

Shysa's fears were realized when the Empire's hold on Mandalore became an iron grip: the Imperials enslaved large portions of the Mandalorian populace,[12] and began strip-mining the world for lightsaber-resistant beskar iron ore.[9] Forging a new, covert Mandalorian Protector army, Shysa battled the Imperial forces in a guerrilla war for years[12] until 3 ABY, when Tobbi Dala sacrificed his life to destroy the Imperial's base of operations, kill the Imperial overseer, and allow for the numerous Mandalorian slaves to regain their freedom.[52] Despite the loss of his oldest friend, Shysa set out to revitalize Mandalore,[1] forcefully removing Imperial Grand Admiral Miltin Takel from Mandalorian space, and strengthening the Mandalorian Protectors with armor, weapons, and hundreds of Mandalorian recruits liberated from the Imperials.[12] Under Shysa's leadership, the Mandalorians flourished, but his many successes could not erase the past: Kaminoan cloner Taun We contracted the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett to kill the last Mandalorian Protector responsible for the attack on Kamino years prior. Fett hunted Shysa to the planet Shogun,[1] where the two came under attack by the Sevvets.[7] Mortally wounded while saving Fett's life,[1] Shysa, who had believed in the strength of the Fett name ever since Jango's death, requested that Fett succeed him as Mand'alor upon his death. Indebted, Fett agreed to Shysa's final request, and killed Shysa as an act of mercy, to spare him from the horrendous fate the Sevvets would otherwise have inflicted. True to his word, Fett became the next Mand'alor.[7]

Boba Fett[]


Boba Fett

"For a man who says he doesn't care about anyone else, you always come good for the Mando'ade when you're needed."
"I'm Mandalore. It's just my job."
" 'Course it is. I believe you."
―Goran Beviin and Boba Fett[32]

The clone son of the one-time Mand'alor Jango Fett,[28] Boba Fett had only begun his training in the Mandalorian ways[53] when his father died on Geonosis.[49] With only the holobook Jango had left him,[54] and Jaster Mereel's Supercommando Codex to guide him, the young Boba Fett became a bounty hunter just as his father had been.[1] Surviving through the Clone Wars, around the age of sixteen Fett met a fellow bounty hunter by the name of Sintas Vel, whom he fell in love with and married. For a time, the two settled down together on Concord Dawn, where Fett attempted to earn a living as a Journeyman Protector, and the couple had a daughter together, Ailyn. However, when Sintas was raped by Fett's superior officer, Fett killed the man, only to be arrested and later exiled for his crime. His relationship with his family rapidly deteriorated, and he later divorced; Sintas was kidnapped and imprisoned in carbonite just prior to their daughter's sixteenth birthday, and with her mother presumed dead, Ailyn grew to hate her father. Fett returned to his life as a bounty hunter, where he came to make a name for himself as one of the best in the galaxy.[4] It was only when he was hired to hunt down Fenn Shysa that Fett was forced back into the world of the Mandalorians. Honoring Shysa's dying wish, Fett succeeded Shysa as Mand'alor,[7] pledging to follow in his father and adopted grandfather's footsteps, and do what was best for the Mandalorians.[4]

Fett's leadership of the Mandalorians was put to the test during the Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of the galaxy. Having unknowingly established a working relationship with the Vong's advanced scout, Nom Anor, the Mandalorians were invited to continue to serve the Yuuzhan Vong. Realizing the danger the extragalactic invaders posed, Fett agreed to continuing service, with the stipulation that the Mandalore sector remain unharmed; secretly the Mandalorians sought to feed gathered intelligence to the New Republic, and make preparations for when the Vong finally turned their attention on Mandalorian space.[32] When the Vong discovered Fett's duplicity, they attacked Mandalore with the intent to destroy the Mandalorians.[9] Though they suffered severe casualties, the Mandalorians defeated the Vong and became one of the only civilizations to repel the invaders on their own.[5] With their true loyalties exposed, Fett led the Mandalorian Protectors to openly oppose the Yuuzhan Vong, and fought against them on numerous battlefields across the galaxy.[1] When the war was over and the Vong were defeated, Fett became involved with rebuilding Mandalore, all the while attempted to build a relationship with his estranged granddaughter, Mirta Gev. As Mand'alor, Fett summoned two million Mandalorians from around the galaxy to return to Mandalore in order to boost the dwindling population, presided over the discovery of a massive new beskar lode and its impact on Mandalore's economy, and established a treaty with the technologically gifted Verpine species.[9]

Chernan Ordo[]

Chernan Ordo

Chernan Ordo

"Karr! We're not getting anything from communications! Find out what the problem is! And see if you can find out where Yaga Auchs is!"
"On it, Mandalore!"
―Chernan Ordo and Hondo Karr[35]

Chernan Ordo was a Mandalorian soldier who held the title of Mandalore at the beginning of the Sith-Imperial War in 127 ABY. In that same year, Ordo and an armed force of Mandalorians were contracted by the Galactic Alliance to defend the planet Botajef against the forces of Roan Fel's Galactic Empire until Alliance reinforcements arrived. Though Ordo and his soldiers did their best to hold out against the Imperial onslaught, the Mand'alor was felled during the chaotic battle by the machinations of his traitorous subordinate, Yaga Auchs. With Chernan Ordo dead, Auchs ascended to the position of Mand'alor, and took command of the Mandalorians.[35]

Yaga Auchs[]

Yaga Auchs

Yaga Auchs

"Yaga Auchs is Mandalore now."
"Heard that. Keeping everyone on planet, clear of conflicts. Rebuilding."
―Tes Vevec and Hondo Karr[35]

A Mandalorian soldier who served under the authority of Mand'alor Chernan Ordo, Yaga Auchs was one of many Mandalorians who followed their leader to the planet Botajef as part of a contract with the Galactic Alliance. The Mandalorians had been tasked with defending the world against the attacking Imperial army until Alliance reinforcements could arrive, but Auchs was under orders from a master separate from Mandalore. In pursuit of his own agenda, Auchs disabled the Mandalorians' communications, and murdered his fellow Mandalorians responsible for manning the comm station. When he was discovered by the Mandalorian soldier Hondo Karr, Auchs shot and attempted to kill Karr as well; though Karr survived, Auchs' actions had already led to Chernan Ordo's death, and it was Auchs who succeeded the late Mand'alor. Withdrawing the Mandalorians from Botajef, Auchs ordered the Mandalorians to remain on Mandalore and out of the war. Auchs' betrayal was unknown to the Mandalorian masses, but having failed to kill Hondo Karr on Botajef, the scorned soldier teamed with his former wife, Tes Vevec, to expose Auchs and take revenge.[35]

Behind the scenes[]

"Pre Vizsla—played by Jon Favreau—he is the person who's trying to maintain historic Mandalore. He is the one that's maintaining their history, the concept of the Mand'alor, the one leader, and he wants to usurp Satine. […] He is the lineage of the Mandalorians—at least, he's convinced himself that he is."
Dave Filoni[31]
Legendary Mandalores of the past

Various leaders rose to prominence throughout Mandalorian history.

The title and position of Mandalore first appeared in Star Wars canon with the character of Mandalore—only later distinguished as Mandalore the Indomitable—in the Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War comic book series by author Kevin J. Anderson, published from August 1, 1995 to January 1, 1996. Since then, the title and role of Mandalore have appeared in numerous other sources, and their importance expanded upon through the likes of the Star Wars Insider article The History of the Mandalorians, by Abel G. Peña. While developing the Mandalorian language of Mando'a, Karen Traviss created the Mandalorian word Mand'alor and its plural Mand'alore, the native rendering of the Mandalore title, and attributed to it the meaning of "sole ruler" in the Mandalorian language. She also further expanded upon what it meant to be Mandalore, and featured four separate Mandalores—Jango Fett, Spar, Fenn Shysa, and Boba Fett—throughout her collective Star Wars works in the Republic and Imperial Commando series and the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novels. Traviss also wrote The Mandalorians: People and Culture Insider article, wherein she briefly described the Mandalore's role in Mandalorian society. In addition, the 2008 reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia provides an informational entry for the Mandalore title.



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 SWInsider "The History of the Mandalorians" — Star Wars Insider 80
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 SWInsider "The Mandalorians: People and Culture" — Star Wars Insider 86
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Holonet icon allegiances Mandalore on The Old Republic Holonet (content now obsolete; backup link)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Legacy of the Force: Revelation
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 SWTOR mini Timeline 3: The Return of the Mandalorians on The Old Republic's official website (article) (backup link)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War
  11. Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 Galaxy at War
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 The Essential Atlas
  14. 14.0 14.1 Mando'a by Karen Traviss on Karen Traviss (archived from the original on September 25, 2011)
  15. 15.0 15.1 Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 The Old Republic: Revan
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 The New Essential Chronology
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 SWTOR mini Timeline 4: The Empire Changes Strategy on The Old Republic's official website (article) (backup link)
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire
  21. "Prototypes" — Star Wars: Visionaries
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Databank title Durge in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 The Essential Guide to Warfare
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Imperial Commando: 501st
  26. 26.00 26.01 26.02 26.03 26.04 26.05 26.06 26.07 26.08 26.09 26.10 Star Wars: Jango Fett: Open Seasons
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 The Clone Wars: Darth Maul: Shadow Conspiracy
  28. 28.00 28.01 28.02 28.03 28.04 28.05 28.06 28.07 28.08 28.09 28.10 28.11 28.12 28.13 28.14 28.15 28.16 Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel
  29. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: New Battlefronts: The Visual Guide
  30. The Essential Reader's Companion
  31. 31.0 31.1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Two
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Boba Fett: A Practical Man
  33. Legacy of the Force: Invincible
  34. Millennium Falcon
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 Legacy (2006) 41
  36. 36.0 36.1 Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia
  37. Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War 6
  38. 38.0 38.1 SWTOR mini Timeline 9: The Mandalorian Wars on The Old Republic's official website (article) (backup link)
  39. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Handbook
  40. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (comic series)
  41. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Daze of Hate
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 Star Wars: The Old Republic
  44. 44.0 44.1 The Old Republic: Deceived
  45. SWTOR mini Limited Edition Bounty Hunter Statue on The Old Republic's official website (link obsolete; content only found on older version of webpage: backup link)
  46. Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne
  47. Mandalore the Destroyer's chronological position within this listing is not official. Appearing only within the context of a quoted epigraph at the start of the eleventh chapter of Imperial Commando: 501st, no canonical date for her reign was provided. The current placement results from the conclusion that the state of Mandalorian culture she describes—specifically the multi-species nature of the Mandalorians, and the reduced importance of the Mandalore's authority—indicates Mandalore the Destroyer reigned at some point after Mandalore the Avenger, but before Jaster Mereel and the solid chronology of Mandalores he begins. Mandalore the Destroyer's place in the line of Mandalores is subject to change should future sources reveal a more definitive time frame.
  48. Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
  49. 49.0 49.1 Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
  50. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Shades of Reason"
  51. Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  52. Star Wars (1977) 69
  53. Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary
  54. Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive