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"I claim this sword and my rightful place as leader of Death Watch."
"Never! No outsider will ever rule Mandalore!"
"Hmm. If you will not join me, you will all die."
"You're all traitors!"
"Unfortunately for you, history will not see it that way. Execute them!"
―Maul and Bo-Katan Kryze[9]

The Mandalorian Civil War[10] erupted in the capital city of Sundari after the Shadow Collective deposed Duchess Satine Kryze and her New Mandalorian government. Maul challenged Pre Vizsla, the leader of Death Watch, to a leadership battle to determine which of them would rule Mandalore. Maul defeated and killed Vizsla in single combat, however not all of the Death Watch forces agreed to acquiesce to the sudden shift of leadership. Bo-Katan Kryze, the Duchess' sister and a Vizsla loyalist, made her forces into the Mandalore resistance and rebelled against Maul's rule,[9] leading to the fighting. Obi-Wan Kenobi also participated in the Battle of Mandalore, as did Darth Sidious, who fought Maul and Maul's brother, Savage Opress. In the ensuing fight, Savage was killed by Darth Sidious, while Maul was captured by the Sith Lord[1] and imprisoned in the Spire on Stygeon Prime.[2]

Despite Prime Minister Almec's efforts to smear former Duchess Satine Kryze as a murderer who abandoned her pacifist ideals to kill Viszla, thereby covering up Maul's own actions,[9] the execution of Satine Kryze at Maul's hands ignited the fire of rebellion in many Mandalorians, who allied together to reclaim Mandalore from the outsider who had claimed its throne.[11] Even as Mandalore continued to be engulfed by the civil war,[12] Maul was liberated by his Mandalorian super commandos,[2] but, a short time later, his mother, the powerful Nightsister Talzin, was killed during the Second Battle of Dathomir.[13] Maul returned to Mandalore, but the planet was besieged by the Galactic Republic and Mandalore resistance. Maul was captured, and the planet fell under Kryze's control.[4] However, she would ultimately lose her power when she refused to obey the Galactic Empire, which launched an occupation of Mandalore[5] with the clone forces still on-planet.[14]

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