



The masthead of Xim the Despot was a masthead of Xim the Despot composed of mytag crystal. In 10 BBY, the masthead was part of Crimson Dawn crime lord Dryden Vos's personal museum onboard the star yacht First Light,[1] and was destroyed during a skirmish aboard the yacht that saw the death of Vos.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The masthead of Xim the Despot is a direct reference to the Star Wars Legends novel Han Solo and the Lost Legacy, which features a large crystal skull on the cover. Xim the Despot and Mytag crystal both originate from the novel.

In the novel, Xim the Despot was a pre-Galactic Republic warlord who conquered a large interstellar empire in the Tion Cluster, using a skull with starbursts in its eyes as his personal insignia. At that time synthetic mytag crystals were an integral part of scanning and communication equipment but were later made obsolete by technological advances.

In addition to his personal notoriety, Xim was famous for his lost treasure horde, In 1 BBY, Han Solo was among the group who found the horde, only to discover that it was largely made up of Mytag crystals and other materials which were extremely valuable in Xim's day, but nearly worthless by that time.



Notes and references[]

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