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"With the outcome all-but-decided, the Match Master interrupts play for some reason."
―Caption to a photo from HoloNet News[2]

The Match Master acted as the referee in games of limmie, working alongside two assistants. This person ruled on plays, deciding when shots were offside and validating scores.[1] In 13.3, a Roonan was employed as a Match Master in the BlasTech Gikosphere on the planet of Coruscant. The Roonan interrupted a match held as part of the Galactic Cup of Limmie's opening round in which representatives from[2] the planet[3] of Fondor were competing against Coruscant's team. An article published in the CoCo District edition of the HoloNet News questioned the Match Master's decision to interrupt play during the match at a point when the outcome was already all-but-decided.[2]

In 19 BBY,[4] a woman named Parja Bralor served as Match Master during a game played between clone stormtroopers and Mandalorians.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

A Match Master first appeared in Coruscant Eliminated in Galactic Cup Opening Round an article[2] written by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens and illustrated by Joe Corroney[5] that was published in HoloNet News Vol. 531 47 on the HoloNet News website[2] on March 14, 2002.[6]


Notes and references[]
