

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

"Do not go to the Meridian sector"
―Luke Skywalker[10]

The Meridian sector was a sector located in the Outer Rim Territories, sandwiched between the Antemeridian and Vorzyd sectors.

Planets in Meridian include Damonite Yors-B, Durren, Nim Drovis, Cybloc, Exodo II, Ampliquen, Nyemari, Budpock, King's Galquek, Till Chorios, Brachnis Chorios, Nam Chorios, Pedducis Chorios, and Meridian itself. Spatial phenomena include the gas clouds of Odos and the Spangled Veil Nebula.


In 41 BBY, Jango Fett lost his armor in the sector. While searching for it, he met Sheeka Tull. Bufus Ritsomas represented the sector in the Galactic Senate.

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Governor Zerex of the planet Ord Adinorr was appointed to become the Moff of the Meridian sector.[8] By 1 ABY, the most modern, architecturally sophisticated spaceport in the sector was located in the city of Anem, the capital of Nyemari.[5] In 13 ABY, Moff Tol Getelles of the Antemeridian sector tried to take control of the Meridian sector, but was defeated by the New Republic.

The sector was overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong nearly 25 ABY as they made their way through the Outer Rim toward Hutt Space.[6]



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