


"Hold the line! Hold the line!"
―Keysax orders army troopers to hold the line against rioters on Ferrix[2]

Merzin Keysax was a human[1] who served as a lieutenant in the Galactic Empire. Following the Ferrix incident, an Imperial Military force was deployed under the command of Captain Vanis Tigo. After ISB Supervisor Lieutenant Dedra Meero gained control of the Morlana sector from Supervisor Blevin, Keysax helped chase down Bix Caleen, a person of interest to the Empire.[1] Keysax participated in defending Imperial interests during the riot on Rix Road.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

Merzin Keysax first appeared in "Narkina 5," the eighth episode of the first season of the live-action series Andor, where the lieutenant was portrayed by Nick Moss.[1] They were first identified as Keysax in a since-deleted image asset release on Getty Images by Walt Disney Studios on August 1.[3]



Notes and references[]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Andor logo new Andor — "Narkina 5"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Andor logo new Andor — "Rix Road"
  3. GettyImages-Logo Andor Promo Asset by The Walt Disney Studios on Getty Images (August 1, 2022) (content obsolete and backup link not available)

External links[]
