- "I need to get back to Cloud City, and they'll never let me go. But if you ask, say you want to go, need me as your guide…"
"Why would I ever go back there?"
"'Cause how I hear it, you lost more than your hand there. Your lightsaber too." - ―Lando Calrissian and Luke Skywalker
Following the Escape from Cloud City, a mission was undertaken to Cloud City by Rebel Alliance members Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, and former Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian. Calrissian suggested the idea of the mission so that he could rescue his friend Lobot[1] and sabotage the tibanna gas mining operations in hopes that the Galactic Empire would end their occupation of the city.[3] Skywalker accompanied Calrissian so that he could attempt to find his lightsaber, which he had lost in the city during a duel with Darth Vader,[1] while Organa wished to learn the process of reversing carbon-freezing so that she could rescue Han Solo, who had been frozen in carbonite on Cloud City.[3]
Ultimately, Calrissian managed to rescue Lobot and contaminate the tibanna gas that surrounded the city, while Skywalker ultimately abandoned the search for his lightsaber and Organa was briefly captured and frozen in carbonite herself. Calrissian and Skywalker freed Organa and various Cloud City residents who had opposed the Empire, escaping the city in a stolen Sentinel-class landing craft as Skywalker departed in his X-wing starfighter.[3]
- Star Wars (2020) 2 (First mentioned)
- Star Wars (2020) 3 (First appearance)
- Star Wars (2020) 4
- Star Wars (2020) 5 (Indirect mention only)
- Star Wars (2020) 10 (Indirect mention only)
- Star Wars (2020) 37 (Indirect mention only)
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