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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"Oh, you'd be amazed at what I can do. Force abilities, I've mastered them all. Vitali. The Cry of the Broken King. Not to mention Morichro, the Touch of Death."
―Tey Sirrek, to Vildar Mac[1]

Morichro, also known as the Touch of Death,[1] was an ancient Jedi art that allowed its users to rapidly slow down the bodily functions of an opponent to the point of death. Master Yaddle was one of the few members of the Jedi Order permitted to practice that dangerous technique.[2] The Sephi Tey Sirrek once claimed to have mastered Morichro when confronted by the Jedi Knight Vildar Mac, leading Mac to dismiss the ability as a myth. Sirrek subsequently rendered Mac unconscious[1] using biological pheromones,[3] citing use of the power.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

In the current Star Wars canon, morichro was first mentioned in Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, a 2016 reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo.[2] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Force power, albeit unnamed, first appeared in the 1994 novel Champions of the Force, written by Kevin J. Anderson as the last novel of the Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy.[4] Morichro was first named in the article "The Emperor's Pawns," which was published in the fifth issue of the Star Wars Gamer magazine[5] on July 24, 2001.[6]



Notes and references[]

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