The Mospic High Range was a rocky region that acted as a frontier between the settlement of Mos Espa and the Dune Sea,[1] located at the western end of the Northern Dune Sea in the small habitable region of the desert planet Tatooine's northern hemisphere. The range was split by the shallow canyon known as the Xelric Draw[2] and contained some of the highest mountains on the planet.[1]
The moisture farmer Biggs Darklighter and his friends, including Luke Skywalker, would travel to the canyons of the Mospic High Range in their skyhoppers, covering the distance in no time at 1,200 kilometers per hour. They were drawn by the podracing course that ran through the canyons from the settlement of Mos Espa to Beggar's Canyon.[3]
- Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (First appearance)
- Star Wars: Complete Locations (First identified as Mospic High Range)
- Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 66 (Weapons & Uniforms: Growing up on Tatooine)