- "I do love creatures... even if I don't have quite as much experience with them as you."
- ―Myra
Myra was a human female Jedi youngling stationed on the forest planet Tenoo during the High Republic Era. She was a creature enthusiast.
After Aree had brought a couple of dunnels to the Tenoo Jedi Temple stables, Myra and fellow Jedi initiate Lys Solay rode them to explore the forests of Tenoo. Myra was struggling with controlling the beast, and admitted to not have as much experience with them as Lys. When they returned to the Temple, they met up with Kai Brightstar and Nubs. Soon after they got contacted on their holoprojector by Aree and CAM who tasked them to find a very rare critter in their area called leepur and snap a holopic for the Galactic Creature Guide. Very excited to add an entry into the Creature Guide, they immediately rode back out with holocams to find the leepur, but found themself trapped in a steep tunnel in a thunderstorm without any cameras. Eventually they found the creature, and after Myra realized that she should scale down her excitement as to not starte the animal, they eventually got to pet it after rescuing it from a rockslide. They did not get a picture, and had to head back to the Temple unsuccesfully. However, the leepur had followed them back and in the end they send a selfie of them and the creature to Aree and the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts. Aree said that he would gladly use their help with another search for the Federian erbling, and Myra stated her readiness with great excitement.
Behind the scenes[]
Myra is a character that was developed for the second season of the Disney Junior and Disney+ animated television series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. Myra is voiced by Celestina Harris.[1]
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "A New Discovery" (First appearance)