



"What if he has something to say?"
"Actions speak louder than words."
―Leia Organa and Tala Durith, on NED-B[3]

NED-B was a masculine loader droid that operated on the planet Mapuzo during the Imperial Era. The droid worked with Tala Durith in an underground movement known as the Hidden Path, which helped smuggle surviving Jedi to safety. He kept watch over a safehouse hidden within the droid maintenance building of a mining village.[3]



NED-B on Mapuzo

NED-B aided the fugitives Obi-Wan Kenobi and Leia Organa[3] in 9 BBY.[1] When stormtroopers searched the safehouse, NED-B discreetly grabbed a hammer, preparing to fight if necessary. Although a stormtrooper interrogated him, the troopers soon left. Later, he helped Durith save Kenobi from the Sith Lord Darth Vader.[3]

He escaped with the Hidden Path to Jabiim,[5] where he later sacrificed himself in battle with stormtroopers to buy time for the other members of the Path to escape. His final act was to shield Durith from the oncoming stormtroopers before dying in her arms.[4]



NED-B wields an E-5 blaster rifle in battle.

NED-B was not capable of vocalizing but was still a capable droid. Despite the fact that his official designation was NED-B, the Aurebesh inscription on his chest read "NED-W,"[3] while "NED 1" was printed on his back.[4]

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Behind the scenes[]

"Ned-B is a loader droid. We kind of harken to our own forklift in the shop and use some of those cues in his paint job with the chipped paint."
John Rosengrant[6]

Deborah Chow, Ewan McGregor, and NED-B in the Path's hideout on Mapuzo

NED-B was first pictured in the teaser trailer for the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, which was released on March 9, 2022.[7] He first appeared in the third episode of the series, which aired on June 1, 2022.[8]

The sounds for NED-B's movements originated from a bread maker. Director Deborah Chow told sound designer and editor Jon Borland to make the sounds feel sad when NED-B died in the series.[9]


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