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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Narglatches were a species of carnivorous mammalian[4] cats native to the frigid world of Orto Plutonia[1] and Naboo.[3] These felines were considered sacred by the indigenous Talz, who used them as mounts and a source of food.[5]

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Narglatches in the galaxy[]

Thi-Sen narglatch

Talz chieftain Thi-Sen riding a narglatch

Narglatches were sometimes hunted for their pelt, which was vulnerable to blaster fire and considered valuable by some cultures, such as the Trandoshans.[2][6][7]

Narglatch cubs were considered cute and were often kept as pets, but their ferocity increased as they matured. Those that escaped from captivity were a threat on Coruscant.[2]

The Dug Preigo owned a narglatch, which was one of several performers in the Dug's traveling circus on Florrum, called Preigo's Traveling World of Wonder. During his time at the circus, the youngling Wookiee Gungi was dressed like a narglatch.[8]

During the Battles of Umbara, Scipio, and Anaxes, a Republic gunship with a narglatch painted on the nose was present.[9]

Behind the scenes[]

Narglatches first appeared in canon in "Trespass," the fifteenth episode in Season One of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars.[5]



Notes and references[]
