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"Why is it every time a competent woman is rewarded, others assume it's only because she's having sex with a man?"
―Natasi Daala[src]

Natasi Daala was the only female to ever reach the rank of admiral in the Imperial Navy. A Human, she enlisted in the Imperial Navy on Carida, but was discriminated against due to her sex. However, she achieved success through Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, who discovered her after she defeated many skilled Imperial opponents in simulated battles, using an alias to hide her true identity. Tarkin took her under his wing, and as he rose, so did she. She became his lover and was eventually promoted to admiral by him. After a time, she was sent to the top-secret Imperial research facility known as the Maw Installation. There, some of the best scientists in the galaxy worked on new concepts, hoping to design new superweapons for the Empire. She resided there with four Imperial I-class Star Destroyers for ten years, unaware of what was happening in the galaxy.

In 11 ABY, Kyp Durron, Han Solo, and Chewbacca stumbled upon the facility after making an emergency escape from Kessel. She interrogated them, and was stunned to learn that Tarkin and Emperor Palpatine were dead and the Empire was on the verge of collapse, having been defeated by the Rebel Alliance. She decided to lauch her campaign to wreak havoc on the galaxy and gain revenge for Tarkin's death. Daala had no real strategy, and intended only to cause as much damage as possible with her four Star Destroyers and the mighty superweapon, the Sun Crusher. However, the Sun Crusher was stolen from her by Solo and his two companions, who were also able to warn the New Republic of this new threat. Ultimately, Daala accomplished little, and with three of her Star Destroyers gone, headed back to the Maw to try and protect it from the New Republic. There, she found New Republic forces, who attacked. Though she managed to destroy the Maw, to prevent the New Republic from gaining new weapons, her Star Destroyer was damaged and she made an emergency hyperspace jump.

In 12 ABY, Daala attempted to unify the Imperial warlords, but found little success. She executed them, then took command of their forces. She once again attempted to destroy the New Republic, this time with the aid of commander Gilad Pellaeon. However, she was defeated, and relinquished command to Pellaeon, resigning from the military. A year later, she re-appeared to aid the New Republic against the corrupt Moff Getelles, then disappeared, swearing she was done with military service. However, in 14 ABY she once again attacked the New Republic, but was defeated. The New Republic believed she was dead, but Daala stunned them, when, in 40 ABY, she revealed herself. Commander of the Maw Irregular Fleet, she split from the Imperial Remnant to join the Mandalorians and fight against Darth Caedus, the despotic leader of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Following the death of Caedus, she became the new Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance.


Early career

"They always say that Daala tore up the strategy books."
Admiral Cha Niathal[src]

Daala had a peaceful upbringing.[source?] While young, she fell in love with the holo faker Liegeus Vorn, although the details of the affair are muddy. Presumably, following the end of the relationship, she enrolled in the Academy of Carida.[6]

While she was a talented student and officer at the Imperial Academy, she was continually passed over for promotion due to her gender, though accounts by Imperial military officers said that she argued too much. To take out her frustrations toward the male-dominated military, she made herself a false computer identity. Under this alias, Daala was able to defeat many high-level officers, including some of her own instructors, in simulated battles. Many of her tactics were based upon ideas formed by former Galactic Republic commander Jan Dodonna. Her tactics were studied and implemented throughout the entire Imperial military, despite the fact that the no one was aware of her true identity. Daala graduated from the Academy, but ended up a non-commissioned officer in the Imperial Army.[7]

Protégé of Wilhuff Tarkin

"My skills came to the attention of Moff Tarkin, who journeyed to Carida so that he could meet the mysterious individual who had developed such innovative tactics. [...] Tarkin was astonished to learn I was a woman and even more astonished to see that I was a lowly corporal working in the kitchen."
―Natasi Daala, to Vice-Admiral Pellaeon[src]

Admiral Daala's image superimposed on a portrait of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin.

She soon gained the attention of Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. He investigated Daala's hidden exploits at the Academy, hiring two black-market slicers who worked for several months to find the identity of the hidden strategist. He was pleasantly surprised to discover not only her identity, but that she was female. At the time, Daala held the rank of corporal and had first been a computer clerk, then a member of the kitchen staff preparing food for Star Destroyers. When the Carida staff discovered her identity, they planned to reassign her to a meteorological station at the planet's southern pole. However, Tarkin took her on as his, using his influence to bypass the normal military hierarchy and promote her. Daala eventually received the rank of admiral,[2] though, in later years, her rank badge would come to represent the rank of Grand Moff.[8]

Many quietly complained that Daala was sleeping her way to the top. When one of those remarks made its way back to Tarkin, he searched out the officer who had made it. He had the officer sealed inside an environmental suit and ejected him into the space over a planet as punishment. Tarkin had the suit's radio left on so that others could hear the man over the course of 24 hours as his orbit decayed. The officer's orbit decayed to the point where he finally entered the planet's atmosphere and burned upon reentry. However, the allegations were in fact accurate, as Daala did have an affair with Tarkin once she transferred under his command.[7]

Command of Maw Installation

"I am Admiral Daala, in charge of the fleet guarding Maw Installation. You three are in a lot of trouble."
―Natasi Daala, to Han Solo following the capture of Endor[src]

Tarkin, now a Grand Moff, entrusted Daala with overseeing and protecting the Maw Installation, the birthplace of the Death Stars, World Devastators, and the Sun Crusher. This facility was hidden away even from the rest of the Empire, and no less than four Imperial-class Star Destroyers were stationed there (Basilisk, Gorgon, Hydra, and Manticore). Very few, save for Emperor Palpatine, knew about this facility, though Daala believed that even Palpatine was unaware of the Maw. After having her promoted to admiral, Tarkin ordered Daala never to abandon her post or break communication silence unless he returned, as she had no authority outside Tarkin's command. However, in 0 ABY, Daala paid a visit to the nearly completed Death Star at Despayre at the request of Tarkin. During the brief visit, she aided Tarkin in investigating the mysterious destruction of the Star Destroyer Undauntable, but was unable to identify the saboteurs. On a second visit, her ship was attacked by a squadron of X-wings en route to the station. An explosion caused a piece of shrapnel to become lodged in her skull, which was removed in the Death Star's medcenter with the only damage being short-term memory loss. As soon as she recovered, Tarkin had Daala transferred back to the Maw and had the logs altered to make it appear she had never been on the station.[9] Following Tarkin's death, Daala stayed isolated in the Maw with no news of the galaxy outside and no one in the Empire aware of her existence.[4]


The Endor streaks towards Maw Installation

In 11 ABY, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Kyp Durron escaped from Kessel and accidentally discovered the Maw Installation. Since they were in an Imperial shuttle, which they called the Endor, Daala's crew assumed they were an emissary sent by Tarkin, who had not communicated with them in over a decade. However, when they provided an incorrect code, Daala captured and imprisoned them. Soon Daala interrogated Han Solo, who informed her of the events of the Galactic Civil War. Daala learned for the first time about the destruction of the Death Stars and the deaths of Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, and Grand Moff Tarkin. She also learned that the Empire had fragmented into numerous squabbling warlords. With no true high command in place, and with Tarkin dead, Daala decided that her orders were obsolete and decided to leave the Maw to wage her own personal guerilla war against the Rebels. Having drilled her troops ceaselessly over the past decade, Daala knew that her forces were ready and fit for such a war, and prepared to leave the Maw. However, her plans were set back when her prisoners, aided by disillusioned Maw researcher Qwi Xux, escaped with the Sun Crusher.[4]

Though she made a valiant attempt to suppress the Sun Crusher with sheer numbers, the near-indestructible superweapon was too durable and Daala was unable to damage it. In order to escape Daala, Han Solo piloted the Sun Crusher towards the Hydra, and plowed straight through its command bridge. The Sun Crusher then entered hyperspace, as the Hydra plummeted into a black hole.[4] Enraged by the loss of one of her Star Destroyers, Daala pursued the diminutive superweapon out of the Maw, and ran into Kessel administrator Moruth Doole's small mercenary fleet. Doole's fleet panicked and fired on Daala's ships. Daala soundly defeated them with minor losses, yet the pain of the Hydra's loss still lingered with her.[4]

Private war

"If Solo is telling the truth, then my fleet could be the most powerful remnant of the Imperial Navy. We can't just wait here any longer. Now it's our turn to show them what we can do."
―Natasi Daala, to Tol Sivron[src]

Nevertheless, Daala continued on, undaunted, and began raiding New Republic shipping. Daala intercepted a CR90 corvette on its way to a "peaceful" colony on Dantooine. After interrogating the ship's Sullustan captain, Daala's crew found heavy weaponry and equipment for starfighter hangers. Daala then determined that the "peaceful" colony was probably a Rebel base, and then released the corvette long enough for it to make an emergency transmission to the New Republic. In this way the New Republic would be aware of her, and, Daala hoped, the knowledge of her attacks would incite chaos and panic. After the transmission was made, she destroyed the corvette and proceeded on to Dantooine. After quickly summarizing the defenses of the colony, Daala sent six AT-ATs to deal with the colony, which was quickly and totally decimated. Emboldened, Daala decided to attack Mon Calamari, after determining that its shipyards were of some importance to the New Republic. Using one of Tarkin's old strategies, Daala sent the Gorgon and the Basilisk in to fire on the surface of the planet, while the Manticore sat in the darkness of Mon Calamari's moon. In this way, Daala thought, she could divert forces away from the shipyards and give the Manticore a clear run at them. Although she was initially successful, a former Mon Calamari admiral in the New Republic fleet, Ackbar, recognized Daala's tactic immediately, having been Tarkin's personal slave. Using a partially unfinished Mon Cal cruiser, Ackbar sent a ship on a collision with the Manticore. And so a second ship from Daala's ever-dwindling fleet was destroyed. Enraged, Daala ordered a full-on assault on the planet's surface, decimating several floating cities. Daala then fled before reinforcements could arrive.[10]


Admiral Daala c. 11 ABY.

Following her defeat at Mon Calamari, Daala retreated to the Cauldron Nebula. She had planned to go down fighting, striking a fatal blow against the New Republic by evacuating one of her two remaining Star Destroyers of personnel and equipment, and sending it crashing down onto the surface of Coruscant. This last desperate plan was again met with defeat when rogue Jedi Kyp Durron, piloting the Sun Crusher, delayed Daala's operation by attacking her ship. Daala realized it was just a distraction, and that Durron had already ignited the stars in the nebula with the Sun Crusher, and ordered all ships to immediately jump into hyperspace. Only the Gorgon escaped, as the Basilisk was incinerated by the explosion.[10] Weary of her continuous failed efforts, Daala realized that her selfish and petty desire to do harm to the Rebels had caused the death of the thousands she had been entrusted to lead and protect. She decided to return with the Gorgon to the Maw Installation, vowing to return to Tarkin's assigned mission, and defend it to the death.[11]

Return to the Maw

"Redouble our efforts against the Installation. Let us show Tol Sivron how it must be done. It's time to destroy Maw Installation once and for all. Open fire!"
―Natasi Daala, to Commander Kratas[src]

What she found there, however, was total chaos. The New Republic had already moved to seize Maw Installation, while Tol Sivron and the remaining scientists had sabotaged the facility and absconded with the prototype Death Star. Both Daala and Sivron decided to attack the occupied facility, though Sivron was unable to fire the Death Star's laser, and struggled to get it back online. Daala's crew noticed that the facility had an unstable reactor core and fired on it. As the facility exploded with tremendous force, Daala made a hasty jump into hyperspace and narrowly escaped the Maw, dejectedly setting a course for the splintered Empire in the Deep Core.[11]

The reunification of the Empire

"I didn't want to rule. I had no intention of becoming a political leader—but you have given me no choice. I cannot leave the Empire in the hands of fools like you."
―Natasi Daala to other Imperial warlords at Tsoss Beacon[src]

Admiral Daala.

The remnants of the Imperial command dismantled Gorgon and distributed her surviving crew among the various commanders. Daala chose not to join with anyone, instead serving as a roaming ambassador amongst the warlords in an attempt to unify them. During her meeting with "Supreme Warlord" Harrsk, High Admiral Teradoc attacked Harrsk's orbiting fleet of 12 Star Destroyers. Teradoc's fleet of red Victory-class Star Destroyers attacked Harrsk's flagship, the Shockwave, and destroyed it. Daala's long time second-in-command, Commander Kratas was onboard the Shockwave inspecting its bridge at the time of its destruction. His death caused Daala great emotional pain and made Daala resolve to stop the senseless, inter-warlord feuding that had taken his life at all costs.[7]

However, desperate to avenge his lost flagship, Harrsk wanted an immediate reprisal against Teradoc and pressed Daala into service on the threat of death. Daala reluctantly took control of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Firestorm. Harrsk, in the Whirlwind, insisted that Daala lead the attack against Teradoc. When they arrived at Teradoc's stronghold (a fortress hidden among the asteroids in the ring of a large gas giant) they were set upon by Teradoc's Crimson Command. Daala, however, personally took command of her ship's weapon systems and fired a concentrated ion bolt at the Whirlwind, paralyzing it and preventing Harrsk from continuing his assault against Teradoc. With a blaster aimed at a shocked and angry bridge crew, Daala pulled the Firstorm closer to the Whirlwind and activated the time-delayed self destruct system of the Firestorm. Daala told Harrsk that she would destroy her ship and his if he did not order a seccession of hostilities, wishing to force the two warlords to cooperate. As the countdown continued, Daala was contacted by the head of the Crimson Command, Vice Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, who desired to speak to Daala in person. Daala accepted and allowed Pellaeon onto her ship. Shortly after, Harrsk ordered a succession of hostilities when he realized Daala's threat to destroy both of their ships was no bluff.[7]

The Firestorm, escorted by two of Pellaeon's red Star Destroyers, jumped to a secluded spot in space so that Dalla and Pellaeon could have an uninterrupted discussion. Like Daala, Pellaeon believed that the warlords were tearing the Empire apart, and he and Daala agreed to force the most powerful warlords to a negotiating table in order to discuss the future of the Empire and plan a combined attack against the New Republic. They finally were able to get the warlords to congregate at Tsoss Beacon in 12 ABY. After hours of petty squabbling and arguing, Daala decided that the negotiations were a failure and sealed the room and filled the chamber with gas. Only Daala and Pellaeon survived, utilizing gas mask-like membranes.[7]

With the warlords out of the way, Daala set about uniting their now-leaderless forces. Last of all, Daala visited the fortress of "Superior General" Delvardus. Delvardus' second-in-command, Colonel Cronus, agreed to join Daala, handing her control of Delvardus' latest creation, the Super Star Destroyer Night Hammer. With the Night Hammer under her command, Daala quickly rallied the scattered remnants of the Empire, making her in the eyes of many the founder of the modern Imperial Remnant. She then named herself the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet, with Pellaeon as her second-in-command. Daala began to prepare a full-on assault against the New Republic.[7]

Assault on the Jedi Praxeum

"In light of this disaster, I-I herby resign my rank... and hand over command of all Imperial forces to you. I will be happy to follow your orders and assist with rebuilding the Empire in any way possible, but I feel that I am no longer capable of commanding so many worthy soldiers. They cannot be asked to lay their lives on the line, to swear allegiance to someone who has been beaten so many times."
―Natasi Daala, to Vice-Admiral Pellaeon[src]

Natasi Daala.

Additionally, Daala instituted societal reforms in the Imperial military, ending decades of prejudice against women and nonhumans, but moreover vitalizing the decaying fleet with new recruits. With her fleet ready, Daala and Pellaeon planned an attack on a planet they knew they could win, Yavin IV, the home of the Jedi Praxeum. Knowing she would be fighting the Jedi Knights, Daala added a "k" to her flagship's name, making it the Knight Hammer, as a pun. Daala's preparation's were interrupted when two Jedi, Kyp Durron and Dorsk 81, were discovered in the crowd of a speech of Daala's. The Jedi fought their way out of the crowd and escaped before Daala could marshal her forces against them. Nevertheless, Daala did not let the appearance of Jedi get in the way of her plans. In preparation for the attack, Daala sent out a fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers under the command of Colonel Cronus, in Pellaeon's previous flagship, 13X. She then sent Pellaeon, in the Firestorm, and forty-five Imperial-class Star Destroyers to begin the attack on Yavin IV.[7]

Then, according to plan Daala arrived in-system after the enemy had been weakened, however, when the Knight Hammer arrived at Yavin IV Pellaeon's fleet was nowhere to be found, despite sensor readings showing that troops had already been deployed by his fleet. Enraged, Daala launched a vicious bombardment against the jungle moon. Soon after, a YT-1300 light freighter, the Millenium Falcon, arrived at Yavin and landed on the moon despite Daala's attempt to stop it. It then returned to space after picking up several passengers, with its captain, none other than Han Solo from the Maw debacle, boldly taunting her. Daala sent out several TIE squadrons against the Falcon, and with such odds arrayed against Solo, death seemed inevitable. However, another unforseen event occured: Ackbar, the admiral who defeated her at Mon Calamari nearly a year before, arrived in-system with the Galactic Voyager and four Corellian corvettes. Suddenly, Colonel Cronus arrived in system with a portion of his Victory-class Star Destroyer fleet. Both Daala and Cronus attacked the New Republic fleet. Daala eventually destroyed the corvettes and damaged the Voyager, but once again, Daala's luck changed for the worse. Cronus was killed and New Republic reinforcements arrived. Before Daala could react, several explosions were set off on the Knight Hammer, destroying the engine units. The immobile Knight Hammer then began to drift towards the gas-giant of Yavin, pulled inevitably by its immense gravitational field. Accepting defeat, Daala ordered an immediate evacuation of the ship. Before Daala managed to get to her executive escape pod, she was intercepted by Jedi Knight Callista Ming, who was responsible for the crippling of the Knight Hammer. Daala and Callista engaged in a short fire-fight before Daala shot her opponent with a stun blast. She then left Callista for dead and escaped from the dying wake of the Knight Hammer. By the time Daala's pod was recovered by Pellaeon, she had realized that her quest for vengeance against the New Republic had put too many loyal Imperials in danger. Daala promoted Pellaeon to the rank of Admiral and relinquished her title of Supreme Commander to him, apparently resigning from Imperial service for good.[7]

Later life


Natasi Daala.

In 13 ABY, the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 encountered Daala on Cybloc XII. Following her retirement from Imperial service, Daala had become the leader of a group of settlers. She had made a deal with an Imperial Moff to settle down on Pedducis Chorios along with the thousands of colonists. However, when she arrived she found the planet virtually abandoned. Daala questioned the droids, who revealed (after being tortured) that the Death Seed plague had struck the planet, wiping out all beings there. The droids also told her that the plague had been released as part of a plan by the Loronar Corporation, ex-Senator Seti Ashgad—who had been exiled to Nam Chorios decades ago by Palpatine—and the corrupt Moff Getelles. After learning this, she decided to fight against Getelles and Loronar, even though it meant aiding the New Republic. And so, fighting alongside the government she had once hated, Daala went to battle. The New Republic succeeded in defeating Getelles and containing the Death Seed, thanks in part to Daala. Daala was prepared to negotiate a peace treaty with the New Republic. Shortly before negotiations could begin, she encountered her old flame Liegeus Vorn. Following a negotiation, Daala and Vorn returned to Peduccis Chorios together.[6]

Almost a year later, Daala resurfaced in the Deep Core looking to establish another fleet. With forces swelled by Imperials returning from imprisonment under the Yevetha,[3] she united the squabbling factions under warlords including Foga Brill and Moff Tethys and prepared to strike once more at the New Republic. The forces of the Imperial Remnant were preparing for a grand pincer campaign, with Admiral Pellaeon moving coreward from the Outer Rim, and Daala and the new Deep Core warlords moving out from the Deep Core. Daala's campaign was unfocused as each warlord headed his own attacks against the New Republic. Because of the unfocused nature of her campaign, Daala did not have much success against the New Republic. Though she did make an attack against the Republic a short time later, General Garm Bel Iblis defeated her soundly, causing her ship to make a blind hyperspace jump. Despite being presumed killed in battle, New Republic Intelligence consistently refused to remove her name from the list of potential threats.[12]

Second Galactic Civil War

"You called. I promised you I'd always come if you used that code, just like Daerker."
―Natasi Daala to Gilad Pellaeon[src]

Seeing that the Imperial Remnant was in danger of being taken over by Darth Caedus, an aging Gilad Pellaeon sent out a simple tapping message to Daala. The pattern of tapping was taken from an Irmenu legend used to summon the warrior-sailor Darakaer; in Pellaeon's case, the tapping was used to call Admiral Daala back to the galaxy at large. At the time of sending out the message, Pellaeon didn't even know if she was still alive. Daala, very much alive, did return, commanding the Maw Irregular Fleet from her new flagship, the Chimaera. She used her fleet to fight against Darth Caedus and the Galactic Alliance, answering Pellaeon's call. After Pellaeon was assassinated by the Dark Jedi Tahiri Veila on orders from Caedus, Daala and the Maw Irregular Fleet would join forces with the Mandalorians and Admiral Niathal's splinter government, while the rest of the Remnant rallied behind Caedus, who they saw as a potential new emperor. Daala later told Boba Fett that she had a son and a granddaughter. She also remarked to him that the galaxy would be a better place without Jedi or Sith, a sentiment Fett agreed with.[1]

Later on in the war, Daala and the Maw Irregular Fleet would take part in such crucial final battles of the war as the Battle of Roche and the Battle of Shedu Maad.[5]

Galactic Alliance Chief of State

"My friends, it is my promise to you here today that sometime in the not-too-distant future, we will live in a galaxy where our space navies exist to better our societies, not defend them -- where we won't need Jedi to sort out our differences and meet out justice, because we will be living under a government that is just."
―Newly-appointed Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala at the peace ceremony doubling as the end of the Second Galactic Civil War and her inauguration[src]

After the battle at Shedu Maad, during which the Sith Lord Darth Caedus was killed by his twin sister Jaina Solo, Daala was nominated by Alliance Admiral Nek Bwua'tu for the position of Galactic Alliance Chief of State, as he did not want it. In lieu of Cha Niathal, Daala was appointed as the only universally accepted choice, so long as she left the Imperial Moffs alone. In exchange for her letting bygones be bygones, the new Moff Council would be composed by an equal amount of females as males, something still unheard of 29 years after Emperor Palpatine's final death. The Solo family would remark that under Daala, things would be quite different.[5]

Personality and traits

"Daala's not very good at making friends, is she?"
Kyp Durron, concerning Admiral Daala[src]

Daala was an aggressive commander who harbored much frustration at being so poorly treated in the Imperial command structure. She was remarkably charismatic, but due to her gender and suspect manner of promotion this was often ignored.[7] She also could be ruthless, ordering the bombardment of colonies, the destruction of merchant vessels,[10] the torture of prisoners,[4] and the destruction of worlds with seemingly no remorse. Daala was often prone to great fury which she found difficult to constrain, but found that attacking a target during battle was the best way to release her anger. She felt that outbursts of one's anger were unprofessional, and restrained herself mostly to serve as an example to her crewmen.[10]

Daala was also devoted to the cause of the Empire almost to the point of irrationalism[4]—at least in the eyes of the post-Endor warlords[7]—and to following orders, remaining at the Maw installation for years without any outside contact.[4] She also was willing to go to great lengths to further that cause, including killing other Imperial leaders,[7] wanting to sacrifice a Star Destroyer to destroy Coruscant, and sacrificing her own life for the Empire.[10] Her will to serve the Empire may have stemmed from her great respect for Grand Moff Tarkin. Often before making a decision or when contemplating failure, Daala would think of Tarkin, imagining his rage in the case of the latter.[10]

Beneath the carefully calculated façade used to inspire loyalty in her crew, however, Daala did have a soft side, which she displayed very rarely to those she led or fought against, since, being a woman Daala strived to not show any weakness. She did occasionally reveal this side towards those she respected and trusted, such as her long time second-in-command and her former lover. Daala did display a high degree of emotion toward her own people. When the Hydra plunged into the Maw, she was overwhelmed with the thought of all the crewmen losing their lives, possibly because Daala had been charged with leading and training them, so that she felt that their deaths were her fault.[4] She had several other such "motherly" reactions to death, when her long time second-in-command was killed during a inter-warlord skirmish. Daala blamed herself for getting him involved in the warlord feuding, and had to fight back the surge of emotion that resulted from his death.[7]

These deaths also played to Daala's own vindictiveness, and Daala would go to great lengths to avenge her losses, personal and otherwise. For instance, when the Hydra crashed into the Maw,[4] She obliterated a practically unarmed colony on Dantooine in order sate her appetite for vengeance.[10] Despite her vindictiveness, her compassion for those who served under her was what led her to believe that her constant string of failures put too many lives in jeapordy, to which she reacted by handing Gilad Pellaeon the reigns of the Empire.[7]

Behind the scenes

Admiral Daala was created by Kevin J. Anderson for the Jedi Academy Trilogy.[4] After her appearance in the Jedi Academy series, she appeared in Anderson's Darksaber, where she was again one of the antagonists. She also was in Planet of Twilight, written just a year later, and then, aside from a brief mention which stated she was believed to be dead in the New Essential Chronology, disappeared from canon for 10 years. In 2008, Daala re-appeared in the eighth book in the Legacy of the Force series, Revelation, this time fighting alongside her former enemies. It was in this book that she was given the first name of Natasi, fourteen years after Daala was introduced to the EU.[1]

All of Daala's Star Destroyers (Basilisk, Gorgon, Hydra, and Manticore) are named after mythical beasts,[4] perhaps implying that they are sister ships of the famous Chimaera.[13]

Daala's first name of "Natasi" was first revealed as her name in the novel Revelation, the eighth out of nine from the Legacy of the Force series. Whether deliberately or coincidental, Daala's name of Natasi is a section of ReNATASIa, the name of her home solar system.[1]



Notes and references

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Darksaber
  2. 2.0 2.1 Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood
  3. The New Essential Guide to Characters
  4. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Revelation
  5. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Invincible
  6. Star Wars Legacy 20: Indomitable, Part 1