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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
"With the Clone Wars' end, the destruction of the Jedi Order, and the decommissioning of the Kaminoan cloning facilities, the self-proclaimed Emperor and his military advisers determined that the future of warfare was in large-scale naval weaponry—in a fleet of battleships and battle stations that could atomize any enemy, whether on a planet's surface or among the stars."
Mon Mothma[1]
SWA The Corellian Conflict box art

The Alliance Fleet and the Imperial Navy engage each other in Corellian space

Naval warfare,[1] also known as space combat[2] or space warfare,[3] was the waging of armed conflict in realspace. It included space-to-space and space-to-ground engagements,[1] and involved specialized starships collectively referred to as warships.[4]

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